英语人>词典>英汉 : down payment的中文,翻译,解释,例句
down payment的中文,翻译,解释,例句

down payment

down payment的基本解释

[法] 已付定金, 首次付款, 分期付款的首次付款

down payment所属的单词分类
Business / 商务 [280]

win-win  ·  username  ·  prime rate  ·  mouse pad  ·  economy of scale  ·  cold call  ·  bottom line  ·  purchase order  ·  log-in  ·  sales tax

Money / 金钱 [114]

Pound  ·  yield  ·  withdraw  ·  wealth  ·  wallet  ·  vault  ·  value  ·  treasury  ·  trade  ·  thrifty

更多 网络例句 与down payment相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I dance around this empty house Tear us down Throw you out Screaming down the halls Spinning all around and now we fall Pictures framing up the past Your taunting smirk behind the glass This museum full of ash Once a tickle Now a rash This used to be a funhouse But now it's full of evil clowns It's time to start the countdown I'm gonna burn it down down down I'm gonna burn it down 9, 8, 7, 6 5 4, 3, 2, 1, fun Echoes knocking on locked doors All the laughter from before I'd rather live out on the street Than in this haunted memory I've called the movers Called the maids We'll try to exorcise this place Drag my mattress to the yard Crumble tumble house of cards This used to be a funhouse But now it's full of evil clowns It's time to start the countdown I'm gonna burn it down down down This used to be a funhouse But now it's full of evil clowns It's time to start the countdown I'm gonna burn it down down down I'm gonna burn it down 9, 8, 7, 6 5 4, 3, 2, 1, fun Oh, I'm crawling through the darkest home My key don't fit my life no more I'll change the drapes I'll break the plates I'll find a new place Burn this fucker down do do do do dodo do do do do do dodo do do do do do dodo do do do do do dadadada do do do do dodo do (9, 8, 7, 6 5 4, 3, 2, 1) do do do do dodo do do do do do dodo do do do do do dodo doo This used to be a funhouse But now it's full of evil clowns It's time to start the countdown I'm gonna burn it down down down This used to be a funhouse But now it's full of evil clowns It's time to start the countdown I'm gonna burn it down down down I'm gonna burn it down

本人舞蹈解决这个空房子撕裂我们失望你驱逐出去尖叫了大厅纺纱各地,现在我们属于图片框过去您的嘲弄微笑背后的玻璃该博物馆完全灰一旦痒现在皮疹这曾经是一个funhouse 但现在是充满了邪恶的小丑现在是时候开始倒计时我要去烧伤跌下来了我要去刻录下来 9 , 8 , 7 , 6 5 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 ,乐趣回声敲锁车门所有的笑声之前我宁愿住在街道上进行比这个闹鬼记忆我已经称为推动者所谓的女佣我们会尝试傩这个地方拖曳我床垫的码崩溃暴跌众议院卡这曾经是一个funhouse 但现在是充满了邪恶的小丑现在是时候开始倒计时我要去烧伤跌下来了这曾经是一个funhouse 但现在是充满了邪恶的小丑现在是时候开始倒计时我要去烧伤跌下来了我要去刻录下来 9 , 8 , 7 , 6 5 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 ,乐趣噢,我最黑暗的爬行通过主页我的钥匙不适合我的生活没有更多我会改变窗帘我要打破盘子我会找到一个新的地方烧伤这个笨蛋下跌做这样做这样做渡渡鸟做这样做这样做渡渡鸟做这样做这样做渡渡鸟这样做这样做dadadada 这样做这样做渡渡鸟做( 9 , 8 , 7 , 6 5 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 )做这样做这样做渡渡鸟做这样做这样做渡渡鸟这样做这样做渡渡鸟斗这曾经是一个funhouse 但现在是充满了邪恶的小丑现在是时候开始倒计时我要去烧伤跌下来了这曾经是一个funhouse 但现在是充满了邪恶的小丑现在是时候开始倒计时我要去烧伤跌下来了我要去刻录下来

This paper quantitates financial risk by constituting the model of measurement financial risk. And the samples are from the public companies'merger and acquisition from 2002 to 2005, this paper demonstrates perfectly the influence of financial risk of acquisition companies from different payment methods. The result of test analysis shows: in one side, the theory of risk-return is unfit in China (by being educed conclusions by other students: different payment methods bring different return, then the author detrusions different payment methods bringing different financial risk, and being tested direct proportion each other); in the other side, this paper answers different payment methods bringing different degree financial risk of acquisition companies: the smallest financial risk from cash payment method, the mean from commingle payment method, the biggest from stock payment method, which can supply reference in the choice of rational companies between payment methods and financial risk .


Previous researches didn't discuss the effects of payment ways on consumers' purchase intentions. Therefore, the first issue to be discussed is what the difference of the intentions to purchase is between two payment ways. The following is to investigate the cross effects between regulatory focus、payment timing and payment ways. The experiment is 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 mix –factor experiment of design. Every subject was assigned one of the two regulatory focus manipulations and had to judge four payment methods which were composed of two within-subject variables — payment timing and payment ways. At the same time, different product durability and product types were considered.


更多网络解释 与down payment相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

down payment:定金

按合同规定,签约后一个月内,买方在收到卖方银行出具的不可撤销保函(Irrevocable letter of guarantee)后必须支付20%的定金(Down payment). 由于种种原因,交货期多次推迟,在此期间W公司宣布破产倒闭,其财产被法院指定的财产清算委员会拍卖,

down payment:首期付款

该消费者打算以分期付款形式购买这辆车,首期付款(Down Payment)为1500美元,关于余下的6000美元,从汽车销售商处取得消费信贷. 汽车销售商通常向消费者提供若干种支持它的银行的信用条款. 对于该消费者,他(她)有如下三种选择:

down payment:首付

比如,用第二房贷(second mortgage)来帮助借贷者少付甚至不付首付(down payment),使他们事实上的贷款-资产比达到甚至超过100%,连借贷手续费都不用准备,全都折算在房贷本金中去了.

down payment:订金

你还需要知道能够为购置房屋筹得多少钱,以应付一次性的开支----这就是常说的首期订金(down payment)以及交收费用 (closing fee). 当你已经有所预算,并已确认了你的整体开支及收入,你便可以将余下资金,作最佳的安排. 为购置房屋储畜,

initial down payment:入门费

流动资金 circulating capital | 入门费 initial down payment | 国际共识 the international consensus

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