英语人>词典>英汉 : dorab的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

dorab [də'ræb]



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Comments by leading analyst Dorab Mistry, who said crude palm oil futures are expected to trade between 2,300 and 2,500 ringgit ($669-$727) a tonne in coming weeks, also supported palmoil prices.

棕榈油价格走势首席分析师 Dorab Mistry 称,在未来几周内棕榈油价格可望稳定在2,300 到2,500令吉特(669-727美元)每吨之间,这一言论同样对棕榈油价格起了支撑作用。

Dorab Mistry, director of Godrej International, made the claim in an interview with Bloomberg News and predicted India would purchase 6.5 million tonnes of vegetable oils in the year ending October 2008, up from 5.6 million tonnes last year.

这一预测是Godrej International董事道罗布米斯奇在接受彭博新闻社采访时做出的。他还预测,印度在2008年度(于10月份结束)的植物油进口量将达到650万吨,高于上一年度的560万吨。

I do not believe the Indian government will re-introduce higher import duties on vegetable oil imports," Dorab Mistry, a leading edible oil analyst and director of Godrej International, told Agra-Informa's publication The Public Ledger ."


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填补剂 doping agent | 宝刀鱼 dorab | 鬼头刀 dorado, dourado,dourade

Chirocentrus dorab:宝刀鱼

鲱属(Clupea)的其他种类(如黍鲱或北欧沙丁鱼)和鲱科的其他种类(如金绿西鲱(Alosa chrysochloris)和灰西鲱(A. pseudoharengus或Pomolobus pseudoharengus))以及各种较少见的种类亦称鲱. 还有其他几科的一些鱼亦俗称为鲱,如宝刀鱼(Chirocentrus dorab)俗称狼鲱.

Chirocentrus dorab:宝刀鱼(宝刀鱼科)

16.刀鲚(鯷科)Coilia ectenes | 17.宝刀鱼(宝刀鱼科)Chirocentrus dorab | 18.长蛇鯔(狗母鱼科)Saurida elongata

Chirocentrus dorab:宝刀鱼、布刀

麻虱目、安平鱼、国姓鱼 Chanos chanos | 宝刀鱼、布刀 Chirocentrus dorab | 鲮鱼、鲮仔鱼 、 花鲮仔 Cirrhina mditorella

PATEL, Dorab:多拉布.帕泰尔

PATASSE, Ange-Felix;昂热-菲利克斯.帕塔塞;; | PATEL, Dorab;多拉布.帕泰尔;; | Patent Cooperation Treaty;专利合作条约;PCT;

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