英语人>词典>英汉 : do not understand的中文,翻译,解释,例句
do not understand的中文,翻译,解释,例句

do not understand

do not understand的基本解释


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But now, I get inspired, even though it is very unfair, though I do not accept, but I accepted my own ability, I have a rough estimate of the scope of my ability, I am not a strongman, not a wise man, I have a Many do not know, or know how to express, do not understand plans, do not understand summary do not know to think, or know how to measure, I do not know very many things.


It said two main Kuku: do not know what is the class, do not understand what is harmony, not revolution know, the past does not understand the plight of today do not know about the sweet, will today's Sweet think this is hard.

它说,主要有两个kuku :不知道什么是阶级,不明白什么是和谐,不知道革命,过去不理解的困境,今天不知道甜,将今天的甜认为这是硬。

Finally also must supplement, my indefatigable is also good, for instance returns to the news to the foreigner, that English language organization wants my life very much, had thought also must a letter letter press quite a while on the handset, spends the time very much, I have counted, a longest news I have sent 20 minutes, that also is I thought I send best section of speeches, wait for the reply complacently, finally sees this kind of news:"SORRY, I CAN NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT IS YOUR MEANING (is unfair to meaning which I do not understand you to say)!"

最后还要补充的是,我也有耐性好的时候,比如给老外回消息,那个英文语言组织很要我的命,想了半天还要在手机上一个字母一个字母地按,很费时间,我统计了一下,最长的一条消息我发了20分钟,那也是我觉得我发的最好的一段话,得意洋洋地等待回信,结果看到这样一句消息:&SORRY,I CAN NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT IS YOUR MEANING(对不起我不懂你说的意思)!&

更多网络解释与do not understand相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Do not leave this position come hell or high water:不要离开这个位置 不管有多大困难

Steve,Steve,lower!|史蒂夫 放低 | Do not leave this position come hell or high water.|不要离开这个位置 不管有多大困难 | Do you understand?|懂吗?

If it were not for hope, the heart would break:人靠希望活着

2253 How do you understand happiness? ----Struggle. 你对幸福的理... | 2254 If it were not for hope,the heart would break. 人靠希望活着. | 2255 Politeness costs nothing and gains everything. 礼貌不用花一...

I mean, not me personally,but my life force:这不是我的个人问题,而是生活压力

I'm feeling suffocated.|我压抑得快没法呼吸了. | I mean, not me personally,but my life force.|这不是我的个人问题,而是生活压力. | Do you understand?|你明白吗?