英语人>词典>英汉 : dithionate的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

dithionate [dai'θaiə,neit]


[化] 连二硫酸盐(或酯)

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In the hope of helping innovative formulators contemplating the use of novel electrolytes like dithionic acid , this paper presents a brief summary of some recent developments in dithionate based electroplating.


Much oxygen was evolved in the course of H〓 production. Sodium dithionate and DCMU make the system anaerobic, but H〓 production didn't increase, even decreased. By addition of sodium acetate, glucose, heteroauxing in the course of illumination and Fe, Ni in the course of algal growth, the H〓 production increases by P.


Subcordiformis in Huanghai Sea near Dalian, it can be able to evolve H〓 photosynthetically. Comparing with Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in our lab, the H〓 productivity is same. By the elementary macro regulation of H〓 production with 2, 5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone , N, N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide , 3-(3, 4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea , sodium dithionate, sulfur-deprivation and cell immobilization, the results show that DCCD, immobilization and sulfur-deprivation has a positive effects on the H〓 production.


更多网络解释与dithionate相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Dithion 畜虫磷 | dithionate 连二硫酸盐 | Dithione 硫特普

manganese dithionate:过二硫酸锰

manganese dioxide 二氧化锰 | manganese dithionate 过二硫酸锰 | manganese green 绿锰矿

potassium dithionate:连二硫酸钾

potassium disulfide 二硫化二钾 | potassium dithionate 连二硫酸钾 | potassium ethyldithio-carbonate 黄原酸钾

potassium dithionate:二硫磺酸钾

二硫化钾 potassium disulfide | 二硫磺酸钾 potassium dithionate | 二铀酸钾 potassium diuranate

sodium dithionate:二硫磺酸钠

重铬酸钠 sodium dichromate | 二甲基砷酸钠 sodium dimethy arsenate | 二硫磺酸钠 sodium dithionate

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