英语人>词典>英汉 : disruptions的中文,翻译,解释,例句
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It's impolite to cause disruptions, like standing up to stretch and walking around the room.


The emergence of China has unavoidably led to short-term disruptions in the economies of many countries.


Since June 2004, we have warned of supply disruptions for uranium.


Many economists say the disruptions are unlikely to have a lasting impact on economic growth in the city.


It is the reason why so many people are going through many challenges and many disruptions in their lives.


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keep passenger disruptions to a minimum:把对乘客的影响减至最少

坐头等舱was seated in the first-class cabin | 把对乘客的影响减至最少keep passenger disruptions to a minimum | 卸下某物something were offloaded

operational disruptions:运行中断

Disasters 灾害 | operational disruptions 运行中断 | independent alterations 私自改造

Weather Disruptions:破坏星球气候

Ship Blueprints 偷取船只设计图 | Weather Disruptions破坏星球气候 | Ground Contamination污染星球表面

Mood disruptions:情绪困扰

moral values 道德价值 | Mood disruptions 情绪困扰 | neglecting parenting styl e 忽略式的管教

ecological disruptions:生态破坏

desertification:沙漠化 | ecological disruptions:生态破坏 | ecosystem:生态系统

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