英语人>词典>英汉 : disease-resistant的中文,翻译,解释,例句




更多网络例句与disease-resistant相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

FMD is a virulent infectious disease caused by FMDV that infects artiodactyl such as cattle, sheep, pig, et al. Outbreak and prevalence of the disease endanger the good development of graziery seriously and cause great financial loss, so all the world highlight study and contol of the disease.

口蹄疫(Foot-and-Mouth Disease,FMD)是由口蹄疫病毒(Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus,FMDV)引起的牛、羊、猪等偶蹄动物感染的一种烈性传染病,该病的发生和流行严重危害畜牧业的健康持续发展,造成巨大的经济损失,因此世界各国相当重视对该病的研究和防治。

FMD is a virulent infectious disease caused by FMDV that infects artiodactyl such as cattle, sheep,pig, et al. Outbreak and prevalence of the disease endanger the good development of graziery seriouslyand cause great financial loss, so all the world highlight study and contol of the disease. Material of the study was FMDV from cell culture.

口蹄疫(Foot-and-Mouth Disease,FMD)是由口蹄疫病毒(Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus,FMDV)引起的牛、羊、猪等偶蹄动物感染的一种烈性传染病,该病的发生和流行严重危害畜牧业的健康持续发展,造成巨大的经济损失,因此世界各国相当重视对该病的研究和防制。

Haemophilus parasuis disease caused by the HPS is also designated as Haemophilus pig disease, Glaser Glaser's disease or Gram's disease (Glasser's disease) and characterized by multiple serositis and arthritis.

副猪嗜血杆菌( Haemophilus parasuis , HPS )病也又称猪副嗜血杆菌病、格拉泽氏病或革拉泽氏病(Glasser's disease),是由HPS引起的猪的以多发性浆膜炎和关节炎为主要特征的一类疾病。

更多网络解释与disease-resistant相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aeropathy; Caisson-disease; Diver's disease; Tunnel disease; Compressed-air disease:潜水夫病; 高气压病

Aerolymphogenic tuberculosis 空气淋... | Aeropathy; Caisson-disease; Diver's disease; Tunnel disease; Compressed-air disease 潜水夫病; 高气压病 | Aesthematology; Esthematology; Aesthesiology; Esthesiol...

Infectious disease; Communicable disease; Enthetic disease:传染病

Infectious angioma; Hutchinson's disease; Infective angioma 匐行血管瘤; 传染性血管瘤; Hutchinson氏... | Infectious disease; Communicable disease; Enthetic disease 传染病 | Infectious emphysema 传染性气肿

Pulmonary disease; Disease of lung; Pneumonopathy; Lung disease:肺病

Pulmonary coniosis 肺尘埃沉着病; 肺尘病 | Pulmonary disease; Disease of lung; Pneumonopathy; Lung disease 肺病 | Pulmonary echinococcal disease; Pulmonary echinococcosis 肺包虫病