英语人>词典>英汉 : discharge duty的中文,翻译,解释,例句
discharge duty的中文,翻译,解释,例句

discharge duty

discharge duty的基本解释

[法] 履行职务

更多网络例句与discharge duty相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any costs or expenses in respect of the vessel including demurrage or any additional charge, fee or duty levied on the vessel at the discharge port and actually incurred by the seller resulting from the failure of the discharge port/terminal/installation to comply with the isps code and if located with the usa and us territories, with the mtsa, shall be for the account of the buyer, including but not limited to the time required or costs incurred by the vessel in taking any action or any special additional security measures required by the isps code and where the discharge Port is within the usa and us territories or waters, with the mtsa.


In the Civil Law Family,the collateral guarantor'srights of defense mainly are related to the invalidity of the underlying contract,the revocability of the underlying contract,the right of offset,the concurrentconditions,"Einrede der Unsicherkei",the invalidity of the guarantee contract.the period of validity,the special terms of immunity from the guarantor's liabilityand beneficiam excussionis.Under the case law of the Common Law Family,thesituations in which the collateral guarantor can claim the rights of defense mainlyinclude the situation of non-fulfillment of the guarantee condition,the situationrelated to the extent of guarantor's liability,the situation under which the creditordidn't perform his obligations,the situation related to the appropriation ofpayments,the situations related to fulfillment of purpose of guarantee,thesituation related to the creditor's laches,the situation related to the loss ofsecurities held by the creditor,the situation related to the discharge of theprincipal debtor,the situation related to the creditor connivance in the default ofthe principal,the situation related to the discharge arising by operation of law andthe situation related to the fiduciary duty.


This paper mainly discusses the life characteristic and failure mechanism of the muhilayer ceramic capacitor under various working conditions such as charge-discharge frequency, charge voltage, charge-discharge duty radio and discharge inverse peak factor.


更多网络解释与discharge duty相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Specific Duty:单位产量,单位功率,工作能力

specific discharge 单位排量,比流量 | specific duty 单位产量,单位功率,工作能力 | specific energy 比能,单位能量