英语人>词典>英汉 : disc的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,拼写相似词汇

disc [disk]


唱片, 圆盘



n. disk · phonograph record · record
Shape / 形状 [82]

hexagonal prism  ·  polyhedra  ·  Platonic solid  ·  Klein bottle  ·  bipyramid  ·  nonagon  ·  wedge  ·  triangle  ·  trapezoid  ·  trapezium

更多 网络例句 与disc相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Reducing gear drives cam rotate to top half-turn and link gear of upper gate move, top disc opens and discharges. Spring device makes disc close and replace with displacement of cam. When cam rotates to bottom half-turn link, gear of sub-layer gate moves, below disc opens and discharges. The disc closes little by little with the displacement of cam. These two actions maintain a closed state of either disc on the pipe. So it can discharges and lock air at the same time.?


A universal card with multi-purpose refers to a card that can be used in both of card brushing reader and optical driving to fetch data. It is mainly made as to set a CD fetching face and a magnetic strip on the disc (thickenss of 0.8 mm) being produced in accordance with ISO 7816 agreement rules to fetch the data stored in the magnetic strip or IC card by inserting them to a card brushing machine or a card inserting machine. The disc also can be placed on the fetching sheath disc of 0.4 mm thickness and further to place them together into an optical driving firmly for reading out data on CD fetching face by optical fetching head in optical driving so that it is not only integrating magnetic card, IC card and CD disc for easy to carry but also increasing the safety in using, storing volume of the disc and expanding the using range.

本发明涉及一种多用途万用卡,尤指一种可同时适用在刷卡卡片阅读机及光驱内进行数据读取的多用途万用卡,其主要是在一符合ISO 7816协议规范(厚度0.8mm)的盘片上设有一CD读取面及一磁条,可插入一刷卡机或一插卡机内读取磁条或IC芯片内的储存数据,而该盘片又可放置在一厚度为0.4mm的读取套盘上,致使当该盘片放置在读取套盘后可安稳放置在一光驱内,且方便光驱内的光学读取头读取CD读取面内的数据,因此不仅可整合一磁卡、IC卡、CD片等于一盘片中以方便携带,又可提高盘片使用的安全机制、内存容量及扩展其使用范围。

The device cumulatively stores the initialized disc type or the determined disc type, and updates the preset disc type using cumulative frequency distribution of the stored disc types.


更多网络解释 与disc相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




金属、水溶性油漆均可使用. 广泛用于灯具,家用电器等高要求产品. 采用人机界面PLC编程,可记忆存档产品工艺参数,降低成本提高效率. (保固二年,终身保修. )["供应液体圆盘(DISC)及Ω喷房"相关求购信息]


下面是关于光盘(Disc)的,依次为光盘类型(Type,分为音乐光盘和数据光盘)和光盘容量长度(Length);右边方框内,上方为寻道时间(Seek times),分别为:随机(Random)、1/3和全部(Full).



Disc:abbr. disconnection; 断开

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