英语人>词典>英汉 : digestion的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,反义词,拼写相似词汇

digestion [di'dʒestʃən]


消化力, 领悟

  • This rich food is bad for your digestion.
  • 这种油腻食物不利于你的消化。
  • He has a good digestion.
  • 他消化力很强。
  • This food is easy of digestion.
  • 这食物容易消化。
n. indigestion
更多 网络例句 与digestion相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The article summarizes some progresses in Re-Os isotope sample digestion, separation, purification and mass spectrometer measurement, and reviews five different digestion techniques, including acid digestion in reducing media, alkali fusion, Nickel sulfide fire assay, Carius tube dissolution and high-pressure ashier digestion.


The experiment mainly studied the choice of bauxite, the process of acid digestion and the sedimentation of acid digestion liquor and the way to Eliminated the iron from liquid aluminium Sulfate. The paper introduced the complexion of different bauxite in acid digestion. The influence of the concentration of acid, the proportion of acid to bauxite, the temperature. the pressure and the time of the rate of acid digestion were studied. The condition of the flocculation was also studied.


At present,the sample pre-processing methods mainly include wet digestion,dry digestion and microwave digestion and so on;and the determination methods mainly include inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry,atomic absorption spectrometry and atomic fluorescence spectrometry,etc..


更多网络解释 与digestion相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


(digeste)书名与"消化"(digestion)近似. 诗的大意是:在这世界上,最美丽的东西,命运也最坏,她是一朵玫瑰,所以和玫瑰一样,只活了一个早晨. 多罗米埃把这首诗改动了几个字,用来悼念那匹死马,主要是以"驽马"rosse代"玫瑰"rose,


] 中的食物脂肪酸 (Fatty acid) 的消化作用 (Digestion),以改?此底物. 然后,再与胰?分泌的?性脂肪酵素接触,酸?喜好不一的酵素,??作用于底物?,其效果?好. ???果,能在后?的新?代?中表?出?. 每天在消化道 (Digestive tract) 的上半部,

digestion:消化 消化

消化消化 消化(digestion)是机体通过消化管的运动和消化腺排泄物的酶解作用,使大块的、分子结构复杂的食物,分解为能被接收的、分子结构简单的小分子化学物质的过程.


developing countries 发展中国家 | digestion 消化吸收 | dignity 尊严

Anaerobic digestion:厌氧消化

"美国马里兰大学能源研究中心的副教授珍妮弗.贝克尔(Jeniffer Becker)说,其实早在上世纪70年代石油价格飙涨时,就已经有这项"厌氧消化"(Anaerobic Digestion)的科技,能将沼气转化成电力,但之后油价下跌,大家就忘记这项科技了,

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