dictate ['dikteit]
- dictate的基本解释
口述, 使听写, 命令
- The police dictated where the large, noisy crowd should stand during the parade.
- 警察指定在游行时那一大堆喧闹的人群应站的位置。
- Afterwards he dictated a few letters to her.
- 之后他对她口授了几封信。
- The French teacher dictates to the class every other week.
- 法语教师每隔一周给这班学生做一次听写。
听写, 口述, 口授
- I won't have him dictating to me.
- 我不要他对我发号施令。
命令, 指挥, 指令
- He obeyed the dictates of his conscience.
- 它凭良心做事。
- 相似词
- 相关歌词
- Don't Forget Who You Are
- I Choose
- Run Hide Duck
- Foreign Language
- Be All, End All
- The Man For Me (The Letter Song)
- 更多 网络例句 与dictate相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The teacher demands to dictate several words of lesson, but she lets me dictate both pandects she, Chinese is to let me quiz her too at noon like this too.
The beauty of the way Arum operates, however, is that he doesn't let another company, which doesn't have his best interest at heart, dictate what he does.
However it is the unseen details, the unseen consequences, the unseen opportunity costs that currently dictate and bedevil the economic growth of the world's most populous country.
- 更多网络解释 与dictate相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
但假设说美国正在失掉支配(dictate)世界才干的话,那么她并没有失掉指导(lead)世界的才干. "这话没有错,当一个帝国不再思索国度衰落的能够性时,才是真正衰落的末尾. 庞兹内能够是多虑了,也能够是心怀叵测. 在我看来,美国还远远没有倒下,
"加拿大和英国也加入强烈反对这项令人震惊 的导弹测试的行列. 批评过后,民主国家最需要考虑的是如何在拥抱中国的同时,抑制中共的冷战战术. 一个方法是试图命令(dictate)什么可做和什么不能做,然而,此法未必可行,中国太大并且豪情万丈.
原因是他不认得英语单词. 某旅班长张继华,在旅里教导队集训了半年,仍然不会操作炮兵快反系统. 参加考核时,把"指令"(Dictate)键,错按成了"删除"(Delete)键. 原因是他不认得英语单词.
这就如同游泳一样. 了解一个术语或把一个原则从理论上分析得头头是道, 并不能保证在实践中做得好. 这也就是霍姆斯法官指出的, 在司法中, 一般原则并不决定(dictate) 具体的判断; 这也是"纸上谈兵"的故事最重要的教训.
Specific dictate:指令明确,培养下属出"选择题"的能力
★ 培养下属"回报"的习惯 Enhance the ability for subordinates to give feedback ... | ★ 指令明确,培养下属出"选择题"的能力 Specific dictate | ★ 怎样拒绝下属的不合理的请求?How to refuse the unreasonable req...
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