diagram ['daiəgræm]
- diagram的基本解释
- He draw a diagram to explain his theory.
- 他画了一张图来解释他的理论。
- 相似词
- 拼写相近单词
- diagramed
- diagraming
- diagrammatic
- diagrammatical
- diagrammatically
- diagrammatize
- diagrammed
- diagramming
- diagrams
- diagraph
- 更多 网络例句 与diagram相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Diagram paper 9:The 1 F floor plank goes together with Jin diagram, the 5 F floor plank to go together with Jin diagram, the 1 F beam flat surface to go together with Jin diagram, the 5 F beam flat surface to go together with Jin diagram, 1 F pillar to go together with Jin plane chart, foundation flat surface to arrange diagram, foundation flat surface to set out big kind diagram, 3 stalk frames to go together with Jin diagram, stairs flat surface to arrange diagram and stairs plank to go together with Jin to arrange diagram.
The model applies use-case view (use-case diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration diagram and activity diagram), logical view (class diagram, object diagram and state graph), component view and deployment view to carry on a detailed description respectively, presenting a stock information system model from each one possibly.
Pass to proceed the covariance to the unqualified article in quantity in product in factory rate first, analysis, find out to design the useful data to this, apply the in common use method that quantity manage completely, then adoption arrange the diagram proceeds the covariance to the unqualified article, making sure to cause unqualified and main reason in product, apply cause and effect analysis the diagram method finds out the main factor that affect the quantity, then make use of the scatter diagram, keeping the square diagram, controling the diagram to the main influence the factor proceed the analysis, evaluation, certain improvement counterplan, find out the best project, then proceed the technique economic evaluation.
- 更多网络解释 与diagram相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
新版主要更新情况:1、支持多国语言:在英语的基础上增加了简体中文、繁体中文、德语、西班牙语、法语、意大利语、日语和朝鲜语. 2、在系统信息主菜单下增加"图表"(Diagram)页面. 3、在状态监视器主菜单下增加"GPU状态"页面
其具体的实现原理为:如果目标数据源有主键,在关系图(Diagram)中选择目标数据源,然后选择更新键. 商业智能也称作BI是英文单词Business Intelligence的缩写. 商业智能通常被理解为将企业中现有的数据转化为知识,
将"线路图"(Diagram)不经过传统建筑学的形式语言"翻译"(Translation)成空间元素(Diagram-Translation-Space),而是直接地将"线路图"呈现为形式(Diagram = Space Layout),即在展场的物理空间里大量依赖的是像彩色胶带、线条、色块和数字来界定和联系展品和不同展区.
diagram:图; 图表
英文plot原指"一块地"(a piece of ground),继而由丈量土地而发展出"基址图,标绘图,图表"(diagram)等义,进而形成"阴谋,策划"义(plan). 概言之,plot从治理土地引伸为谋划、策划义,亦即含有战略决策的意味. 从字母构形上看,
diagram:abbr. diag; 图
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