英语人>词典>英汉 : deuterocanonical的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

deuterocanonical [,dju:tə,rəukə'nɔnikl; du:-]


[圣经]续经的, 正经的

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But these arguments for the canonicity of the deuterocanonical books of the Old Testament, of the Pauline Epistles, and of the Gospel of St.


Like the Old Testament, the New has its deuterocanonical books and portions of books, their canonicity having formerly been a subject of some controversy in the Church.


As can readily be seen, the two general remarks just made simply set forth the elementary canons of historical criticism; and they would not have been dwelt on here were it not that they have been very often lost sight of by Protestant scholars, who, biased by their desire to disprove the Catholic doctrine of the inspired character of Ecclesiasticus, have done their utmost to depreciate the doctrinal and ethical teaching of this deuterocanonical book.

由於可以很容易地看到,两名一般刚才的发言只是提出了基本准则的历史的批评,他们就不会谈到这里,如果不是,他们都非常往往忽略了新教的学者,谁,有偏见他们的愿望反驳天主教教义的激励性质的Ecclesiasticus ,付出了很大的努力贬值的理论和道德教育的deuterocanonical书。

The Greek Orthodox Church preserved its ancient Canon in practice as well as theory until recent times, when, under the dominant influence of its Russian offshoot, it is shifting its attitude towards the deuterocanonical Scriptures.


The Book of Tobias is deuterocanonical, ie contained not in the Canon of Palestine but in that of Alexandria.


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deuteration 含重氢 | deuterocanonical 续经的 | deuterogamy 再婚