英语人>词典>英汉 : deuterium oxide的中文,翻译,解释,例句
deuterium oxide的中文,翻译,解释,例句

deuterium oxide

deuterium oxide的基本解释

[化] 重水

更多网络例句与deuterium oxide相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sensitizing effects on photooxidation of NADPH in deuterium oxide was determined.It was showed that all the title compounds had much more efficacious photosensitizing ability than that of hematoporphyrin derivatives.


But the classical differential centrifugation technique needs special ultra-speed centrifuger and deuterium oxide, which limits the research and application of them.


"Water from most natural sources contains about 0.015% deuterium oxide; this can be enriched or purified by distillation, electrolysis, or chemical processing."


Methods 56 eyes ( 56 cases ) had accepted modem vitreoretinal surgery for complicated retinal detachment. Membrane separation, membrane resection, using of deuterium oxide, endolaser coagulation and filling of silicone oil or inert gas were used if needed.


更多网络解释与deuterium oxide相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

deuterium oxide:氧化氘

重水(heavy water)即D2O,含氧化氘(deuterium oxide)99%之水,痕量之重水产於普通水中,约占五千分之一,可由电解稀苛性钠溶液,随后蒸发而得,或由经过长时间电解所剩於电池残留而得.

deuterium oxide:重水

deuterium nuclei 氘核 | deuterium oxide 重水 | deuteron 氘核

deuterium oxide:氧化氚

deuterium;氚;; | deuterium oxide;氧化氚;; | Deutsch Bundesbank;德国联邦银行;;

deuterium oxide:氧化氘,氘水,重水

"deuterium ","氘,重氢" | "deuterium oxide ","氧化氘,氘水,重水" | "deuterium reactor ","氘反应器"

deuterium oxide moderated reactor:重水慢化反应堆

deuterium oxide 重水 | deuterium oxide moderated reactor 重水慢化反应堆 | deuterium pile 重水反应堆