determination [di tə:mi'neiʃən]
- determination的基本解释
决心, 果断
- My father was a man of determination.
- 我父亲是一个果断的人。
- That girl has great determination; I am sure she will do well.
- 那女孩子决心很大,我肯定她会做好的。
- She has the determination to overcome all the obstacles to success.
- 她有决心克服通往成功路上的一切障碍。
- She is responsible for the determination of wage levels within this company.
- 她负责确定该公司内部的工资水准。
- 相似词
- determination的同义词
- n. conclusion · finding · decision
- determination的反义词
- n. indetermination · hesitation
- 拼写相近单词
- determinations
- 更多 网络例句 与determination相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
This paper discusses the analysis of non-metal elements by following ways:Determination of P,S and Si by IC P-AES;Determination of Cl,P and S by IC ;Determination of trace As by polarograph and HG-AFS;Determination of Se by IC P-AES and fluorometry;Determination of F,Cl and I by GB.
Problems of single footing are classifying about results、determination of dimension of combinational column on combinational foundation、determination of bending moment on superface of combinational foundation and determination of partly press area when there is angel between column and foundation; the problems of strip foundation are determination of torsional moment on some section in checking torsion resist.
With the practice and research on the grade-determination of the cultivated land , the paper, based on the concept and purpose of the grade-determination of the cultivated land , has analysed the problems existing in the course of practice and summarized the reasons about " the rules of the grade-determination of farming land " which the Ministry of Land and Natural Resources had issued , including the issues about dependence between grading index of cultivated land and utilizing index ,or dependence between grading index of cultivated land and natural index , lack of the nationwide comparativity of the achievement on grade-determination of the cultivated land ,the sudden change indexes between the paddy field and its adjoint nonirrigated farmland, the representativeness of appointed crop and so on.
- 更多网络解释 与determination相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
一般情况下,要拿冠军的队伍在很长时间里都必须具备3巨头+3D的组合:即三巨头+阵容深度(depth), 决心(determination)和防守(defense). 在NBA这个联盟里,一般你都会在乎是否拥有勒布朗-詹姆斯或者邓肯这样的巨星,其实你还必须具备稳定的第二点和第三点,
"决定"(determination)在字典中的含义包括:由法官或仲裁员的权威裁决解决诉讼或冲突;如此作出的裁决或决定,权威意见...作出裁决的行为;确定的意向. (The
基因型的鉴定(determination) 有助於医师研判(determine,decide)用药的理想剂量(optimal dose). 例如,医师会以抗凝血药或血液稀释剂(blood thinner)华法林(warfarin)协助病患稀释血液与减少血栓,但使用华法林过量(overdose),
blank determination:胚料展开
back shaft 支撑轴 | blank determination 胚料展开 | bottom slide press 下传动式压力机
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