英语人>词典>英汉 : desc.的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇



[医][=descendent]祖传的, 下降的, 下行的

更多网络例句与desc.相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you want to sort in ascending or descend ing order, follow each name with a space and the keyword ASC or DESC, respectively.

如果要以升序或降序进行排序,则可以在每个名称后键入一个空格,并分别键入关键字 ASC 或 DESC。

If you want to sort in ascending or descending order, follow each name with a space and the keyword ASC or DESC, respectively .

如果要以升序或降序进行排序,则可以在每个名称后键入一个空格,并分别键入关键字 ASC 或 DESC。

On the basis of analyzing the construction characteristics and the working proce ss of a revolving spade soil opener a mathematical model was established to desc ribe spade moving trace.


It is possible to separate the possible implementation of small procedures, which is desc...


By analysis of factors, influencing reaction a kinetic model to desc...


加载更多网络例句 (25)
更多网络解释与desc.相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

links .desc:网友留言文字

.callboard .title 公告栏标题文字- | .links .desc 网友留言文字- | .feeds .text 正文文字-

48. Desc:48、噢,耶稣,你从天堂向地上降临

13: 33、我的心灵走入平静33. My Soul Lo.... 01:09 | 14: 48、噢,耶稣,你从天堂向地上降临48. Desc.... 00:41 | 15: 49、求主垂怜,永恒之父上帝49. Kyrie, .... 00:44