英语人>词典>英汉 : desalinization的中文,翻译,解释,例句



<美>减少盐分, 脱盐作用

更多网络例句与desalinization相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First of all , it is seen in Zhang Wei"s long writing that continuous changes occurs with the following era contexts which is shown. First, the gradual desalinization of " earth image " on the space," earth " is not only a creation in Zhang Wei"s novel, but the main source of the poesy of its works. It declines after " September fable ", not only indicating Zhang Wei "s decay of poesy of the novel, but also reflecting the disobeyed pross of light appear contemporary China social urbanization and common customs to . Second, the change of " writing subject projection " in the spiritual meaning, Its characteristic displayed by the reduction of image of spokesman as write thought representation .and on the other side represent" person who want more that resist actively " which also shows contemporary intellectual predicament and adjustment of value. Third, in " changeable and separate characteristics in the stylistics ",It changes " epic body " of" Ancient ship "," body not mythical " to " September fable "," pour out body " of" Bai Hui "" Family "," the discipline spreads the body "of Book of other provinces"," lie body " of" Can not recall the hollyhock ". Its constant changes persuing of recreation and sports, has entered into the different book mode and narration of different class gradually too.


In the metallurgy profession, small steel plant waste water pollution, which mainly has the acid and alkali waste water, the waste water of containing oil, the emulsion waste water, recalculated cooling water and the desalinization water treatment and some domestic waste water.


Saline lake sediments are characterized by multi-stage and long period of salt formation, continuous sedimentation and cyclicity of salinization-desalinization, so they are one of the important research objects with respect to the reconstruction of paleoclimate and the study of global change.


更多网络解释与desalinization相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

deranged drainage:冰碛平原水系;扰乱水系

depressed region 葨落區域 | deranged drainage 冰磧平原水系;擾亂水系 | desalinization 脫鹽作用

sea water desalinization:海水淡化

水资源保护区 water resource conservation zone | 海水淡化 sea water desalinization | 保护珊瑚礁、红树林和渔业资源 protect coral reefs, mangrove and fishing resource

sea water desalinization:海水脱盐; 海水淡化

sea water conversion 海水转化淡水; 海水淡化 | sea water desalinization 海水脱盐; 海水淡化 | sea-bed insertion 埋藏海底泥土中