英语人>词典>英汉 : depositions的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇



沉积(物)( deposition的名词复数 ), <律>(在法庭上的)宣誓作证, 处置, 罢免

更多网络例句与depositions相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If he's an informer,|you'll have his depositions, poems.


He himself showed up at the cells in Newgate to take depositions from the men he caught.


Central to the forensic evidence presented at the depositions hearing, or preliminary trial, was a DNA analysis.


The chief method is to take depositions of parties and witnesses.


The influence of the substrate placing way to the quantity of depositions was investigated.


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更多网络解释与depositions相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Subpoenas, requests for|depositions, interrogatories:传票,要求宣誓证词, 接受问讯

So was this.|的确 | Subpoenas, requests for|depositions, interrogatories.|传票,要求宣誓证词, 接受问讯. | All courtesy of Mr. Hahn and his|new client, Christine Collins.|来自哈恩先生和他的新客户克莉斯...


B:当面询问口供(Depositions) 这过程便是律师当面问对方及证人,以便取得证辞. 这是在法院的外,但有法院指派的职员在场下进行的. 被询问的证人也如在法院作证一般,必须发誓所言不虚. 不像书面质询,当面质询可询问诉讼的对方或者证人.

Mr. Morgan, I have the depositions on the Anderson case for you:摩根先生 我要给你看看安德森那个案子的供词

Don't get down on yourself.|别太沮丧... | Mr. Morgan, I have the depositions on the Anderson case for you.|摩根先生 我要给你看看安德森那个案子的供词 | Excellent. I hear it's a page-turner.|很好.听说还不...

You tell him I'll do depositions Friday, but only if my client is ready:如果我的当事人没问题的话 将宣誓作证订在星期五

While Miranda was playing a game of pic... | You tell him I'll do depositions Friday, but only if my client is ready.|如果我的当事人没问题的话 将宣誓作证订在星期五 | ... Charlotte was picking up as wel...

I'm taking depositions and restaurant recommendations from hip and trendy New Yorkers:我专门为时髦的纽约人 立切结书并推荐餐厅

George, this is Carrie and Charlotte. G... | I'm taking depositions and restaurant recommendations from hip and trendy New Yorkers.|我专门为时髦的纽约人 立切结书并推荐餐厅 | - You're hip and trendy? - ...

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