英语人>词典>英汉 : deposition的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,拼写相似词汇

deposition [,depə'ziʃən]


沉积作用, 免职, 沉积物

  • He made a deposition that he had witnessed the accident.
  • 他宣誓作证自己目睹了那起事故。
n. deposit
Legal / 法律 [179]

summary judgment  ·  sidebar  ·  plea bargain  ·  hung jury  ·  family law  ·  constitutional law  ·  bar exam  ·  aid and abet  ·  voir dire  ·  probable cause

更多 网络例句 与deposition相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The deep water deposition means the deposition in the area where the water depth is larger than 30 meters, in which the major sediments are coarse sand and gravel. This kind of deposition is the relic deposition formed by the Pleistocene alluvial-lacustine deposition reworked under modern channel currents actions, and ususally the Holocene acummulation lack in the deep waters. The transitional zone deposition is the deposition between the low tidal level line and the 30 meters isobath, where the sediment types is changeable and the grain sizes are gradually coarsening from the low tidal line to the deep water area. This kind of deposition is developed by the deep water eroded sediments sorting under the transitional zone current action. The different types distributed along the isobath. The tidal flat deposition is the fine sediment deposition on the tidal flat which is flo sedimentation of the silty clay under the tidal flat dynamic action and ususally developed fluid mud on the lower tidal flat. The channel mouth deposition is the deposition in the channel mouth area. According to the sediment types, it includes sand deposition where there are coarse sediments supply and silt deposition where there are only fine sediments surpport.


The adding of anatase nano-crystalline TiO_2 to the deposition solution accelerates the depositing of TiO_2 articles from the deposition solution on the silica glass fiber. A well-combined and durable TiO_2 thin film on silica glass fibers surface obtained by controlling the deposition temperature, deposition time, deposition cycles, concentration of the deposition solution, relative concentration of the deposition materials, pH value of the deposition solution. The effect of the deposition conditions, the drying conditions and the annealing treatment conditions on the surface morphology, section morphology, growth patterns, thickness of the deposited TiO_2 thin films were investigated. Growth rate and particle size of the thin films were controlled by the deposition conditions.


By systemic researching and simulating experiment, the text gains such results as follows,1. On the base of sufficiency research on the oil-gas hydrocarbon systemic chemistry composing and the physical chemistry characters, we traverse the mechanism of the paraffin's deposition. Then we consider that paraffin deposition is a complex process ofphysical chemistry, which includes more than one single mechanism.2. Traversing and comparing the literature in detail on different factors that has effect on paraffin deposition, the available experimental methods on paraffin deposition, prevention of paraffin deposition, and removing of the deposited paraffin on the spot.3. Ameliorated the laser equipment of solid particle inspecting system and the corresponding test methods. Determine WCT of dead oil and live oil from KS101 well under different pressure with this system. The result implies that dead oil has opposite regulation on paraffin deposition temperature to live oil.4. A vapor-liquid-solid envelop is drawn by superposition regular vapor-liquid envelop and WCT curve thereby explained that the departure and quick raising of the curve in the low temperature zone is caused by the appearance of paraffin in solid phase.5. Estimation is made to determine the depth of paraffin deposition in the well.


更多网络解释 与deposition相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


一般而言,"CVD" 所指的是非晶形薄膜的成长,这种成长方式归类於 "沉积"(Deposition);而"VPE"所指的是具有晶形的薄膜成长方式,这种方式归类於"磊晶"(Epitaxy).


它等于在生物组织单位质量中所沉淀(Deposition)的能量率. 它的单位可表示为每公斤组织瓦(W/kg). 通过比吸收率可比较在不同动物中所测得的结果,以及将动物测得和结果外推到人体中来. 比吸收率能够考虑热效应和非热效应.


在含氧 的环境中,以加热氧化(Oxidation)的方式在晶圆的表面形成一层厚约数百个的二氧化矽( )层,紧 接著厚约1000到2000的氮化矽( )层将以 化学气相沈积(Chemical Vapor Deposition;CVP)的方 式沈积(Deposition)在刚刚长成的二氧化矽上,


薄膜太阳电池产业于2006年开始起飞,由于预估未来薄膜太阳电池制程设备的庞大市场,因此掌握CVD、PVD在薄膜沉积(Deposition)、图案化(Patterning)与封装(Packaging)等薄膜组件制造技术的半导体与TFT LCD关键制程设备厂商,

Electroless Deposition:化学镀

首先,利用化学镀(Electroless Deposition)技术的高度选择性特点,以玻碳旋转圆盘电极为施镀基体,研究了在其表面沉积单层银膜的机理及将此方法用于复杂溶液中银离子的选择性富集、分离的效果.

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