demand [di'mɑ:nd]
- demand的基本解释
要求, 需求, 需要
- They rejected the union demand.
- 他们拒绝了工会的要求。
- I have a demand to make of him.
- 我对他有一个要求。
- There is a great demand for such books.
- 这种书需要量很大。
要求, 查询
- She demanded to see the headmaster.
- 她请求见校长。
- I demand that John (should) go there at once.
- 我要约翰马上去那儿。
- They demanded the right to vote.
- 他们要求选举权。
要求, 查询
- 相似词
- 拼写相近单词
- deman
- demandable
- demandant
- demandants
- demanded
- demander
- demanders
- demanding
- demandingly
- demands
- demand所属的单词分类
Business / 商务
win-win · username · prime rate · mouse pad · economy of scale · cold call · bottom line · purchase order · log-in · sales tax
- 更多 网络例句 与demand相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Effectiveness scarce, demand assignability is a value of the four basic elements, demand for real estate and commodities need to have the capacity to pay, we will not, the effectiveness of commercial housing is scarce in nature and that consumers do not have sufficient purchasing power, the market value can not be achieved, the current real estate market demand can be broadly divided, using the minimum requirements, the public demand for improved housing, urbanization process needs field and offshore demand, the demand for investment or speculative demand and the housing problem is livelihood security, the need to increase public finance, but this is the need, not demand.
Based on the eco- environment function, confirmed the constitution of eco- environment water demand(including the inside of the watercourse.and the ecological water demand of the outside of the watercourse such as ecological water demand of economical crop, of lake or reservoir and of cities.).③Analyzing the physical geography, hydrography, economy characteristic and water resource status, getting the proper calculation method. The Tennant applied to the eco- environment water demand of inside of the watercourse, woodland minmum eco- environment water demand calculation method applied to the eco- environment water demand of woodland, water ration method applied to farmland the eco- environment water demand, water evaporation method applied to the reservoir eco- environment water demand.
This paper studies the influence of country economy guideline in power demand. According to identifying the main economy and society factors in affecting the change of Fujian power demand, the power demand forecast model is proposed. And the demand curve models fitting for diversified users are built by researching the influence of electrovalence to power demand.The influence of demand side management in load characteristic of Fujian power system is analysed.Used the arithmetic of modifying the history load curve, this paper forecast the changing and development trend of Fujian load characteristic.
- 更多网络解释 与demand相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
美国政界对事件的描述从"意外"(accident)到"不幸"(unfortunate )和"悲剧"(tragic);提出要求的口气逐步淡化,从"要求"(demand)"迅速"(prompt)放人还机改为"是时候了"(It is time);对事件态度也勉强发
in demand:需要
他还在得克萨斯组合(Texas)一支名为>(In Demand)的音乐录影带中倾情出演. 2000年8月,这支MV在欧洲MTV首度亮相. 在音乐录影中,莎琳.斯皮特莉(Sharleen Spiteri)(得克萨斯组合的主唱)和里克曼共舞一曲探戈:这部MV被提名为全英音乐奖(Brit Awards)的最佳英国音乐录影.
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