deletion [di'li:ʃən]
- deletion的基本解释
删除, 删除部分
- 相似词
- 拼写相近单词
- deletions
- 拼写相近词组、短语
- deletion list
- 更多 网络例句 与deletion相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
After treatment of benzamide which is an inhibitor of poly polymerase,β-galactosidase activity assays and PCR analysis were performed to test the deletion of LacZ gene and c-Ha-T24ras gene. The results showed that:(1)LacZ gene was deleted from both A13.4-NIH3T3 cells and B12.7-NIH3T3 cells, but neigher from A13.4-HeLa cells nor B12.7-HeLa cells. So it is possible that there is cell line specificity in gene deletion induced by BA.(2) In A13.4-NIH3T3 cells, LacZ gene and c-Ha-T24ras gene were completely deleted at the same time.(3) The transcription activity of exgenous DNA fragment may have same effect on its sensitivity to the deletion induced by BA.
To obtain more information of magnesium homeostasis in mitochondria, mTn-lacZ/LEU2 transposon library was transformed into mrs2 deletion mutant to screen for suppressor genes of MRS2. YMR166C, a member of mitochondrial carrier family, was identified as a suppressor gene of MRS2. Deletion of YMR166C gene can rescue the defects of mrs2 deletion mutant such as the decrease in mitochondrial magnesium concentration, Group II RNA splicing defect and growth defect on nonfermentable carbon source. For the first time we demonstrated YMR166C is involved in mitochondrial magnesium homeostasis.
The onstage is the user registration, the password revises, registers, the browsing card, the reply card, the basis key words search card and so on; The backstage mainly realizes to the card examination, carries on the deletion to the illegal card, carries on operations and so on issue which, increase, deletion, revision to the reply card management and so on examination, deletion operate as well as announced.
- 更多网络解释 与deletion相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
你提到的 染色体构造异常 : 缺失(deletion)、重复(duplication)重复(duplication)是 细胞分裂,基因复制的时候偶尔会产生的小差错... 有点像会计师看错帐目自己都说的不知道在说什麼, 反正, 不只是Huntington's Disease,
(由1997年第53号第49条增补)"地租登记册"(Government Rent Roll) 具有>(第515章)第2条给予该词的涵义; (由1997年第53号第49条增补)"占用人"(occupier) 包括占用人的代理人;"删除"(deletion) 指根据第24条对差饷估价册作出的删除;
若插入(insertion)或删去(deletion)一个碱基,就会使这以后的读码发生错误,这称移码(frame-shift). 由于移码引起的突变称为移码突变(frame-shift2、一般情况下密码是不重叠(non-overlapping)的:即每三个碱基编码一个氨基酸,
具有 WT-1 缺失突变(deletion)的小鼠不会形成产生性腺的中胚层,因此表示它可能是SRY 的上游而非下游基因. 具有 46,XY 核型,以及体染色体遗传短指发育不良(campomelic dysplasia)合并性别倒错的个体同时会产生大范围的骨骼异常.
chromosome deletion:染色体缺失
late pulse 后跟踪门脉冲, 后波门 | chromosome deletion 染色体缺失 | net effect 合成串音 净效应, 有效效应, 实际结果
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