英语人>词典>英汉 : death blast的中文,翻译,解释,例句
death blast的中文,翻译,解释,例句

death blast

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In a massive star's death throes, it can blast most of its outer material into space.


He can employ the powers of death to blast an enemy from above.


Venom,"This is it. The hot blast of death that attracts me from afar."


Severe pulmonary hemorrhage and edema may be the main cause of early death of animal with underwater blast injury.


Regina Gillis confirmed the death and said the blast happened in Khost province, but she did not have further details.


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更多网络解释与death blast相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

death blow:中 全体 - 诅咒

Mind Scream 中 全体 - 麻痹 - | Death Blow 中 全体 - 诅咒 - | Chi Blast 中 全体 - - -


3.腐烂(Decomposition)现增加蛆虫数量最大值,已改为35,而不是之前得30. 4.不洁之力(Unholy Power)已经修改平衡,它对所有等级得角色造成同样得效果. 5.无情毁灭(Brutal Death)现增加瘟疫爆发(Pestilential Blast),生命剥夺(Life Strike),

Improved Fire Blast:强化火焰冲击

["Improved Feign Death"] = "强化假死", | ["Improved Fire Blast"] = "强化火焰冲击", | ["Improved Fire Totems"] = "强化火焰图腾",