deal apple
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When the larvae were fed with Apricot and apple-pear the death rate of the larvae increased,the larval and pupa stages prolonged, the pupa weight decreased, female adult life shortened and the average fecundity.The age-specific life table of codling moth indicated that the trend index of codling moth population fed on Jonathan apple, Red Delicious apple, Zhangye number two apple, Chinese pear-leaved crab-apple and Crisp pear were more than one. Experiment population quantity was at the growth condition. The trend index of codling moth population fed on Apple-pear and Apricot were less than one.
Apple processing in a deep way is studied,which include: the production of cider and apple lactate beverage from apple juice; the production of citric acid, dietary fiber and pectin from apple pomace; the production of edible alcohol and apple wine from bumped apple and premature drop.
同时 ,阐述了利用碰果、落果等不宜作为鲜果食用的苹果生产食用酒精和苹果白酒。
The types of latent virus pathogens in five principal apple culti- vats such as Starking/Golden Delicious/Qin Crown Apple/ Rails/Red Fujica in Shaanxi and Gansu Province were identified during 1984— 1985,whose results were as follows:these principal apple cultivars usually carried Apple Chlorotic Leaf Spot Virus,Apple Stem Pitting Virusand Apple Stem Grooving Virus.
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apple pie; apple tart:苹果排
苹果饼 apple pie; apple tart | 苹果排 apple pie; apple tart | 苹果馅饼 apple pie; apple tart
(K.F.) Annona glabra L. ; alligator apple ; cork wood ; monkey apple ; pond apple:圓滑番荔枝;牛心梨
圓滑番荔枝 alligator-apple;Annona glabra L.;custard-apple | 圓滑番荔枝;牛心梨(K.F.) Annona glabra L. ; alligator apple ; cork wood ; monkey apple ; pond apple | 圓灰黴科(黏) Dictyosteliaceae
Annonaceae ; custard apple family:番荔枝科
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