英语人>词典>英汉 : dazing的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[变形] daze的现在分词


使茫然, 使眼花缭乱, 发昏, 使发昏


眼花缭乱, 迷乱

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Wearing Frangipani for good luck, sitting and dazing in the Wei Jin Dynasty-flavor pavilion quietly, you can leave all your thoughts behind and just let the time go by.


It turned out to be that Ling comprehended many low class tricks in Wu-lin, including the dazing incenses and knockout drops. Tung's anesthetic is actually one kind of them, too. Therefore, when tasted something weird in the soup then, she told, on the quite, a servant to prepare the freshening mint ointment after meal and wake her with it if she falls asleep later. Once the drug effect was relieved, Ling bought a best horse and hurried to the everwinter valley. So, she arrives here not much later than Shin does.


I have no language , dazing to mismanage , I do not know that I should say now what .


Stamina 2 - Crippling Bash: Renamed Dazing Bash: Dazes an enemy for 5 seconds. Increased damage of attack.


Be listenning to music and dazing , simple of life , is this what I want ?


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04-Completely Vacant淨空 | 05-Dazing微醺 | 06-A Fairy In The Woods遇見林間精靈

She knows she got me dazing cause she was so amazing:她知道她让我迷乱(比着迷更高)因为她如此的惊人

but I really wanna see her on the weekend... | She knows she got me dazing cause she was so amazing她知道她让我迷乱(比着迷更高)因为她如此的惊人 | and now my heart is breaking but I just keep on saying....