英语人>词典>英汉 : database的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

database ['deitəbeis]



Business / 商务 [280]

win-win  ·  username  ·  prime rate  ·  mouse pad  ·  economy of scale  ·  cold call  ·  bottom line  ·  purchase order  ·  log-in  ·  sales tax

Computer / 计算机 [234]

username  ·  terabyte  ·  teminal  ·  social networking  ·  screenshot  ·  open source  ·  malware  ·  flash drive  ·  Exabyte  ·  digital versatile disc

更多 网络例句 与database相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chapter 1 is a preface to introduce the motives of this paper research methods scope restriction and frame Chapter 2 will fist introduce the concept of database and then discuss the necessity of database protection in the creating methods and with or without originality This chapter will put emphasis on the importance of originality to database Chapter 3 will observe the British America and Germany's viewpoint of originality to discuss their legislative mode of database legal protection Chapter will introduce EU Directive/96/9/EC of database protection and four judges of EU Court after the Directive takes effect in 2004 to find how the ECJ use the Directive Then according to the DG Internal Market and Service Working Pater and BEUC's evaluation of the Directive this paper will find whether there is positive reaction and influence in database market after EU member countries take the same legislations with the Directive Section 5 will introduce the legislation of British and Germany following the Directive and analyze the development and questions of the two countries' current legislation Chapter 5 will start with Americas case Feist v Jane Doe to understand the case's influence to American legal protection of databases and introduce the Parliament's proposal after the EU Directive Chapter 6 will introduce Japan legislation regarding legal protection of database works and discuss the goodness and badness through Japan academy and judicial viewpoint Chapter 7 will introduce Taiwan's legislation to find whether current law provides enough and adequate protection to databases and discuss whether there is a necessity of amendment At last this paper will try to provide some suggestions about our legislation Chapter 8 is the conclusion of this paper


The databases available include two organism biodiversity background database: database of birds, database of Amphibia, Reptilia and Mammalia. Five specific biodiversity databases include: database of anti-pollution plants and pollution-indicator plants, database of ornamental plants, database of pests and harmful animals, database of wetland biodiversity.


It is in urgent need to build a traffic accident information spatial-database based on GIS. The contents of a perfect traffic accident information spatial-database should include three parts, i.e. spatial-database, influential factors database and database of metadata and data dictionary. Its important application value is described. The data in the database are organized with the idea of layer-organization in GIS. The structure of each table and correlation in-between these tables are designed in detail. T...


更多网络解释 与database相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


2、"数据库"(database)的定义11数据库指令涉及"任何形式的数据库的法律保护"12. 指令草案只涉及电子形式的数据库(electronic databases),而最终通过的指令废弃这一限制,并扩大保护到非电子形式的数据库13,如电话号码簿.


动态网页适合时常需要更新内容的网站, 因为需要借助 "编程"(Programming)和"资料库"(Database)动态地更新网页内容, 所以比静态网页来得复杂.


要了解Oracle体系结构必须先了解两个基本的概念: 数据库和实例.一: 数据库 数据库(database)是一个数据集合. 无论数据库是采用关系结构还是面向对象结构, oracle数据库都将 其数据存放在数据文件中. 在其内部, 数据库结构数据对文件的逻辑 映射,


生命周期评估(Life Cycle Assessment, LCA)也是另一个由工研院所推动的重点项目,在经济部技术处的科技项目计划支持下,透过化工所环境科技研究组来做LCA的研究、宣导及建立数据库(database)的工作.

database:abbr. b; 数据库

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