英语人>词典>英汉 : cyanotic的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

cyanotic [,saiə'nɔtik]


发绀的, 青紫的

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Objective To examine the relationship between vascular endothelial growth factor and cyanotic congenital heart diseaseand the severity of cyanosis.

目的 观察血管内皮生长因子在发绀型先天性心脏病中变化及其与病情严重程度关系。

Results Of all 14 cases, dyspnoea and cyanotic were main clinical symptoms; pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum were the most common and frequently associated.

结果 呼吸困难、青紫是新生儿气漏的主要临床症状;间质性肺气肿、气胸和纵隔积气最多见且常合并存在。

ABSTRACT:Objective To compare the effect of different antegrade pulmonary blood flow on the further development of pulmonary artery after Glenn procedure in cyanotic congenital heart defects patients.

目的 比较不同前向肺血流对肺血少型先天性心脏病患者在双向腔静脉-肺动脉吻合术后肺血管发育的影响。

We need it for our cyanotic children.


He may appear cyanotic and struggle to breathe.


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cyanide 氰化物 | cyanotic 紫绀 | cycling 单车运动


cyanosis 发绀病 | cyanotic 发绀的 | cybernetics 控制论

cyanotic:发绀的, 青紫的

encephalopathy 脑病 | cyanotic 发绀的 青紫的 | distention 膨胀 延伸

cyanotic lips:口唇发紫

寸脉 cun pulse | 寸口脉 cunkou pulse | 口唇发紫 cyanotic lips

cyanotic type:紫绀型

cyanometer 天空蓝度测定仪 | cyanotic type 紫绀型 | cyanotrichite 线铜矿

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