英语人>词典>英汉 : custody的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,相关词组,拼写相似词汇

custody ['kʌstədi]


监护, 拘留, 监禁, 保管

  • He was taken into custody immediately after the robbery.
  • 他抢劫后即被拘捕。
  • The stolen car is now in police custody.
  • 被盗汽车目前由警方保管。
  • The criminal was taken into custody by the police.
  • 罪犯被警方拘留。
  • The father was given custody of the children.
  • 父亲获得对孩子的监护权。
  • A father has the custody of his children when they are young.
  • 孩子年幼时,做父亲的有监护的责任。
in custody:被拘留
Legal / 法律 [179]

summary judgment  ·  sidebar  ·  plea bargain  ·  hung jury  ·  family law  ·  constitutional law  ·  bar exam  ·  aid and abet  ·  voir dire  ·  probable cause

更多 网络例句 与custody相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Article 2 The term "custody of an insurance company's stock assets" means an insurance company's activities of signing a custody agreement with a commercial bank or other specialized financial institution in accordance with relevant provisions of the CIRC and entrust it to keep custody of the stocks and funds for stock investment and to be responsible for clearing, settlement, assets evaluation, investment supervision, etc.

第二条 保险公司股票资产托管是指保险公司根据中国保险监督管理委员会的有关规定,与商业银行或者其他专业金融机构签订托管协议,委托其保管股票资产、负责清算交割、资产估值、投资监督等事务的行为。

We should learn from foreign experience,set up specific custody supervision and protection agencies,form specific circumstances and procedures for the transfer of custody legislatively,construct China s Juvenile custody system to better protect the legitimate rights and interests of the youth,and promo...


Sixth, the protection of measuring success mark, establish and improve the protection of the measurement system signs, variable free for paid custody custody, and carried out experiments measuring the registration marks of property rights for the protection of the national measurement of accumulated experience signs.


更多网络解释 与custody相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


JASDEC通过股息支付银行和股东服务代理银行(都由挂牌的外国企业指定)为外国企业的股东提供保管(custody)服务. 大阪证券交易所成立于1949年4月,2001年3月合并京都(Kyoto)证券交易所,现有100家交易会员(其中外国证券公司12家),


美国的离婚官司是离婚,子女监护权(custody),赡养费(alimony)分开不同的Count来打的,耗时耗金钱,一场离婚官司打下来,少则一年,拖上几年的也是有的. 离婚最大的赢家就是律师. 你拖得越久,他赚得越多. 每隔一段时间,


第二部分特殊关系存在的衡量标准 一、信义关系(fiduciary relation) 二、商业利益(economic benefit) 三、一方使另一方置于自己的监管(custody)之下,而剥夺了对方保护自己人身安全的 正常机会.


国外有关文献在提及存管机构(depository)的职能时,并没有一个专门的词来表达所谓的"存管"服务,而是统称"托管"(custody). 因此,实际上称为中央存管或是中央托管,从法律角度看本无二致. 货银对付(DVP)原则是指证券登记结算机构与结算参与人在交收过程中,

in custody:被囚禁

uranium enrichment program铀浓缩计划 | in custody被囚禁 | on human rights abuse charges反人权罪名

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