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To see from the art style of the picture, we will not difficult to find that the artist had begun to try the surrealist art language, in addition, he also had added more or less something cubistic in his works, like the red rocks at the foreground of the picture.


We played chess; his daughter watched me from behind her easel, and inserted eyes or knuckles borrowed from me into the cubistic trash that accomplished misses then painted instead of lilacs and lambs.


multimedia cubistic college English pedagogical innovation ; traditional instruction ; integrated technology ; effect size


更多网络解释与cubistic相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The architecture is a cubistic painting:建筑是立体的画

仔细聆听情感的倾诉 Listen carefully the pouring feeling | 建筑是立体的画The architecture is a cubistic painting | 独特的色彩和基调影印着天空和大地The unique color and keynote photocopy the sky and l...