英语人>词典>英汉 : crown wheel的中文,翻译,解释,例句
crown wheel的中文,翻译,解释,例句

crown wheel

crown wheel的基本解释

冕形齿轮, 差动器侧伞齿轮

更多网络例句与crown wheel相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In most passenger cars this allows the pinion to be offset to the bottom of the crown wheel.


The paper has a profound discussion on the theory of compound crown wheel energy saving pumping unit, and an analysis is done on principal of mechanical petroleum production.


The coordinate system and the tooth trace function of the crown wheel is found by the analysis of the motion for the machine tool.


However, the greater the displacement of the input shaft axis from the crown wheel axis, the lower the mechanical efficiency.


Through the theoretical calculation and the comparison of the compound crown wheel energy saving pumping unit with the conventional one, it can be found that the new pumping unit has obvious energy-saving effect.


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crown wheel:顶圈

crowbar撬棍;铁棍;起货钩 | crown wheel 顶圈 | crucible坩锅, 严酷的考验

crown wheel:冠状齿轮

crown shaving 一般剃齿 | crown wheel 冠状齿轮 | crowned tooth 中凸齿

crown wheel:盘形轮

crown bar 顶杆 | crown wheel 盘形轮 | crushing 压碎,压溃

crown wheel:上条齿轮

上条柄 winding shaft | 上条齿轮 crown wheel | 上条机构 winding mechanism

additional crown wheel:附加小钢轮

additional cover | 追加保证金 | additional crown wheel | 附加小钢轮 | additional damage | 附加的破坏

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