crown [kraun]
- crown的基本解释
王冠, 王权, 顶点
- Kings and queens wear crowns at official ceremonies.
- 国王和女王出席官方仪式时戴王冠。
- He won the crown in 1973.
- 他荣获1973年冠军称号。
加冕, 使成王, 居...之顶
- Success crowned his efforts.
- 他的努力终于得到成功。
- We saw the archbishop crown the queen.
- 我们看见大主教为女王加冕。
- Snow crowned the mountains.
- 雪覆盖山顶。
- 相似词
- 与crown相关的词组
- wear the crown:戴上王冠, 做殉道者
- crown所属的单词分类
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- 更多 网络例句 与crown相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The result pointed out that the vertical distribution of foliage for each species was different,however,generally speaking,the foliage in upper crown (0.3CL) for broad-leaved species in natural secondary forest took a small percentage,about 10%;in middle or middle lower of the crown(0.4CL to 0.8CL) the branches here took the majority percentage of whole foliage,almost 60%to 75%;but in lower crown(0.8CL),there was about 10%of whole foliage.(5)The interspecies competition of trees in secondary forest was expressed by Hegyi competitioin index,and the active competitor was calculated by the competition zone radius and the tree position,DBH,and distance in the zone,it was not all competitors in tranditional calculation.The study introduced crown area overlap index to describe the crown competition between subject tree and its competitors,furthermore,the crown area was classified into 5 levels with a method of equal crown projection area,therefor,the resulting crown area overlap index showed more realities of existing stand conditons.(6)Based on the theoretics of multiply divide,the spatial strcture optimizing model of secondary forest stand selective thinning was developed by diversity mingling,aggregation index,competition index and crown area overlap index,also designed 10 constraint conditions which were related to forestry meanings,the objective function was solved by the implicit enumeration method with LINGO 9.0,using 0-1 integer programming.
Branch diameter distributions changed from an abundance of small-diameter branches in the upper-crown, and in the middle-crown, composed with differential branch diameter, but only a few large-diameter branches in the lower-crown. Branch volume generally increased from upper- to lower-crown, and reached a maximum around the crown base. Branch density decreased from upper- to lower-crown.
The changes of crown form comprise difference branch size for different crown regimes. Chamaecyparis obtusa var. formosana dominant trees and intermediate trees had a tapering and conical crown form, whereas suppressed trees were flat umbrella crown.
- 更多网络解释 与crown相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
有英二从旁协助,石田将公司重新组合,使它在往后几十年问得以持续 成长.但是即使如此,丰田在 1955 年时才生产出第一辆载人小客车--皇冠 (Crown).它在新年当天推出,在工厂举行盛大的庆祝仪式.神采飞扬的英 二穿着燕尾服把第一辆车开出生产线.
根据下文的描述可知,那天晚上学校将本校1997届的"返校女王"的"王冠"(crown)戴在了这个可爱的智障小女孩的头上. 39. C. 分析全句以及全段可知,本句的意思是:每当我感觉到世界上所发生的所有"可怕的"(terrible)事都将占上风时,
如下图,树木由根部(root)、树干(stem, trunk)与树冠(crown)等三部份组成. 树冠为树木上方枝叶著生之部位. 植物之叶中存有叶绿体,叶绿体可撷取光能,将空气中之二氧化碳与根部所吸收之水,转化为葡萄糖,
白无常Osiris,以及所谓的下埃及(Lower Egypt)法老头上都戴着这种圆锥型的"弁冠"(Crown)[2]. 埃及凯普瑞(Khepr)[图二]的头部在西方埃及学的解释下解释并不是牛头马面,而是圣甲虫,不过凯普瑞(Khepr)头顶的两个犄角,
crown prince:皇太子
图:50年代为>的皇太子(Crown Prince)角色而召开的试听会,闻讯而来的男孩子们排成了长队图:沙米.威廉姆(Sammy Williams)在>中正在试听会上的情景百老汇和外百老汇的每一个参加音乐剧演出的演员还必须是演员工会(Actors Equity)的成员,
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