英语人>词典>英汉 : crowd-pleasing的中文,翻译,解释,例句


更多网络例句与crowd-pleasing相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As with Iraq, it is his opponent, Barack Obama, who is having to track towards the centre, trying to renounce some of the crowd-pleasing claptrap he uttered in the primaries.


He resorted to his own flashy crowd-pleasing steps.


He 6500 UB delivers a vibrant, high contrast, crowd-pleasing picture, no question about it.


Konami has also confirmed a number of similarly crowd-pleasing elements as requested by the fan base, including


Konami has also confirmed a number of similarly crowd-pleasing elements as requested by the fan base, including


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更多网络解释与crowd-pleasing相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He resorted to his own flashy crowd-pleasing steps:他在跳他那华而不实、哗众取宠的舞步

What the hell's going on, Kendall?|肯德尔,这他妈的是怎么回事? | He resorted to his own flashy crowd-pleasing steps.|他在跳他那华而不实、哗众取宠的舞步. | Come on, come on...|加油,加油!

lmprovising! Throwing in crazy, wild, crowd-pleasing steps:疯狂迷恋那些狂野的,哗众取宠的舞步

I didn't know what to make of it. He started doing his own thing.|我... | lmprovising! Throwing in crazy, wild, crowd-pleasing steps!|疯狂迷恋那些狂野的,哗众取宠的舞步. | A bit like yourself, Scott.|有...

Flashy choreography... Crowd-pleasing, sure, but where was your floor craft:花哨的舞步,人们会欢呼, 可你的基本功哪里去了

What would they know?|他们知道什么? | Flashy choreography... Crowd-pleasing, sure, but where was your floor craft?|花哨的舞步,人们会欢呼, 可你的基本功哪里去了? | Arms, Clarry!|手臂,拉里!