crop [krɔp]
- crop的基本解释
农作物, 产量, 平头
- There is a large crop of mistakes in your essay.
- 你的文章中错误百出。
- They get two crops of rice a year.
- 他们一年收获两季稻。
收割, 修剪, 种植
- The sheep had cropped the grass short.
- 羊把草吃剩得很短。
- The gardener cropped the hedge.
- 园艺师剪短树篱。
- The potatoes and beans have cropped well this year, but the wheat badly.
- 今年马铃薯和大豆收成很好,但是麦子收成差。
- 相似词
- 拼写相近词组、短语
- cro-magnon
- 更多 网络例句 与crop相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Results showed that the CO2 absorb ability in the eight Crop systems net productivity process was 4 032 366ta^(-1); the amount of CO2 outlet in the soil was 3981753ta^(-1), less than the CO2 adsorb ability, so that the whole crop system was a weaker carbon sink process in the atmosphere. The continue planting species such as Rice, sugarcane, cassava, and melon crop or high haulm crops have the characteristics of annually crop net productivity CO2 absorb ability bigger than soil CO2 outlet and this systems had bigger carbon sink function ability; the short haulm crop systems of peanut, soybean, flowers, and vegetable annually crops net productivity CO2 absorb ability less than soil CO2 out let, but also carbon sink source. The CO2 absorb ability of fruits and economic parts above ground bigger than that which growth under ground. Except of the CO2 absorb ability less than the soil CO2 outlet in the peanut during growth in procreate period, the other seven crops CO2 absorb ability were bigger than that soil CO2 outlet during procreate period. Most of crops during growth in procreate period had carbon sink function ability, and only in barren period showed the carbon source function phenomenon.
结果表明:2005年广州市8种农作物系统作物净生产力吸收CO2 4032366ta^(-1),其土壤CO2排放3981753ta^(-1),吸收大于排放,对大气CO2而言,整个农作物系统是一个弱的碳汇;水稻、甘蔗、木薯和果用瓜4种连作或高杆作物系统每年作物净生产力吸收CO2量大于土壤CO2的排放量,系统具有较大的碳汇功能,花生、大豆、花卉和蔬菜4种矮杆作物系统每年作物净生产力吸收CO2量小于土壤CO2的排放量,系统起着碳源作用;果实或经济产量生长在地上部分的作物其单位面积吸收CO2能力比果实生长在地下的作物大;除花生在生育期间生物量吸收CO2量少于同期土壤排放以外,其余7种作物在生育期间生物量吸收CO2的量大于同期土壤排放,大多数农作物在生育期间具有碳汇功能,在撂荒期才体现碳源作用。
The planting structure has been converted from the duality of "food crop-economics crop" to the triplicity of "food crop-economics crop-forage crop".
But the vegetations changes in plain zone were slower.(4) Study on the driving forces and driving mechanism of the change of vegetation cover in HHH zone The farmland vegetation area received the common drive of climate and the society factors, but climate factors were the main driving forces for annual harvest crop or biannual irrigated and dry harvest crop, and society factors were the main driving forces for biannual harvest crop or biyearly tri-harvest dry crop.
- 更多网络解释 与crop相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
下面修剪(Trim)、合并(Merge)、裁切(Crop)三个按钮的运算非常相似,都是对图形的优化精简操作. 优化后的作品成为单层的无重叠区域图形. 这些命令在你绘制好作品之后作商业输出非常有用.
D2X采用了一块1200万像素的CMOS传感器,连拍速度为每秒5张,如果在"剪裁"(crop)模式下,连拍速度可以达到每秒8张,但是像素将降低至680万. 除此之外,D2Xs在对焦和测光模块上都是最先进的,并且尼康为其准备了多种附件,
地里的庄稼(crop)女人说种啥,男人就种啥. 左邻右舍女人说跟谁走近点跟谁走远点,男人全听女人的. 男人正跟人闲侃,女人一声喊,男人像被牵了鼻子的牛,乖乖就回去了. 男人正跟人喝酒,女人上前只扯一下耳朵(ear),就被拽进家.
完成后,选择图像(Image)>裁剪(Crop)命令. 现在,将图像保存为Photoshop文件. 我们最后得到的纹理是200ppi分辨率下的一英寸见方的图像. 当基本的纹理准备好以后,它并不会自然而然的合理平铺. 由于那些图形边线不能完美的相配起来,
Crop:abbr. cpas reforming our profession; 注册会计师改革行业
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