英语人>词典>英汉 : criticality的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

criticality [kriti'kæliti]


[计] 危急程度, 危机程度, 临界

更多 网络例句 与criticality相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to a thorough comparison and analysis of several classical criticality indexes including Path Criticality Probability, Activity Criticality Probability, Activity 'Cruciality' Index, all these indexes have limitations and pitfalls to some degree. Therefore, Activity Compound Criticality Index is presented as a compound index of ACP and ACI, and on the basis of ACCI, Project Compound Criticality Index, a new index that reflects the criticality of a whole project or subproject is proposed.

首先,对几个经典关键性指标——线路关键概率(Path Criticality Probability, PCP)、工序关键概率(Activity Criticality Probability, ACP)和工序关键指标(Activity Cruciality Index, ACI)——进行比较研究;鉴于各自利弊,提出一个 ACP 与 ACI 的整合指标——工序复合关键指标(Activity Compound Criticality Index,ACCI),并进一步提出了一个表征项目整体&关键&水平的新指标项目——复合关键指标(Project Compound Criticality Index, PCCI)。

A coal gas generant unit is evaluated by using the program, the inh- erent total criticality of the coal gas generant unit is medium, then safety compensatory measures are applied to the unit, and the real total criticality of the unit is reduced, and the result proves that using safety measures is able to reduce the total criticality of the petrochemical company.


However, it is necessary for us design an architecture which allows subsystems to be merged into an integrated node computer in order to save cost. At the same time, it must be ensured that residual design faults in low criticality subsystem cannot corrupt high criticality subsystem while they cooperate with each other.


更多网络解释 与criticality相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




1999年9月30日上午10时35分,日本茨城县那珂郡东海村JCO铀燃料转化工厂(JCO Co.,Ltd.)发生铀燃料临界(Criticality)之核子事故,超过法规限定值数倍的浓缩铀溶液,未依规定置入可以防止临界发生的贮存槽,而直接倒入沉淀槽中,造成临界事故,


测试规程(test procedure),测试策略(test strategy)测试计划受到很多因素的影响:组织内的测试策略,测试的范围,测试目的,风险,约束(constraints),临界状态(criticality),可测试性和资源的可用性(availability)等.随着项目的测试计划的不断推进,


下周,"内在性"(Interiority);再下周,"自主性"(Autonomy);第四周,"批判性"(Criticality);第五周是关于"价值"(Value)和"意志"(Will)的问题. 显然它们有交叉和重叠之处,但事实上它们在一起可以界定一个在某种意义上的"实践的理论".

criticality analysis:关键性分析

crash:崩溃 | criticality analysis:关键性分析 | criticality:关键性

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