英语人>词典>英汉 : credit sale的中文,翻译,解释,例句
credit sale的中文,翻译,解释,例句

credit sale

credit sale的基本解释

赊卖, 先售货后收款

更多网络例句与credit sale相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Third, the sale of the credit policy may return to normal next year.


Before this, mortgage credit sale to ever was considered as a kind of innovation and progress.


While the 70% of bank credit from development to sale of real estate is the important precondition for satisfying such demand.


The policy will offer measures like tax and credit incentives to increase the sale of vehicles.


Thus the bank's obligation is defined by the terms of the credit alone, and the sale contract is irrelevant.


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更多网络解释与credit sale相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Credit sale:赊销

一旦决定对客户赊销(credit sale)之额度时,应即确认该客户已充分了解该赊销之条件及未能依约付款之后果. 例如公司规定,若付款期限(due date)过期后始付款者,应按迟延天数计收迟延利息;逾期付款超过一定期间时(如45天),

Credit sale:赊售;赊销

credit policy 信用政策;信贷政策 | credit sale 赊售;赊销 | credit transfer 贷项转帐

Credit sale:赊卖

credit note 付款票 | credit sale 赊卖 | credit side 贷方

Credit sale:赊销;赊售

credit risk 信贷风险 | credit sale 赊销;赊售 | credit side 贷方

disguised credit sale:变相信贷销售

discrimination差别待遇 | disguised credit sale变相信贷销售 | disguised purchaser of the leased asset经过伪装的租赁资产买入人(指融资租赁的承租人)

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