英语人>词典>英汉 : cream cheese的中文,翻译,解释,例句
cream cheese的中文,翻译,解释,例句

cream cheese

cream cheese的基本解释


cream cheese所属的单词分类
Food & Eating / 食物与饮食 [541]

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更多 网络例句 与cream cheese相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Butter: 25Kg Angaur butter, Angaur 5kg butter, Angaur 227g butter, Angaur were butter, Tower of butter, butter Tower volumes, shepherd boy butter, butter cream pastry song text: Tower light cream, light cream Oldenburg , Diamond cream, sweet butter, listen to the Prevention of Cruelty to paper, spray butter love, love coffee milk cheese: Cheddar Angaur, 88 Angaur cheese, Angaur cream cheese, cheese Angaur Matsu lire, Australia Matsu lire cheese, Kraft cheese, Tower cheese, laughing cow cheese, red wave cheese, red wave cheese, Gouda cheese, blue cheese wave, France Macroporous cheese, Switzerland Macroporous cheese, cheese is also the oldest, Kim Savimbi cheese, Pakistan Collinson cheese, Kraft Philadelphia Cheese


Our cheese is quite differ from foreigner's,since cheese enter into our common people's life,quite a few business firm work on cheese business.but the real local old firm which is known to the whole capital is only belongs to cheese wei , nowadays the man running cheese wei is the fourth generation of family wei,as soon as i mentioned cheese wei, i have to say about the fold-bown cheese,many people erroneous regard fold-bown cheese as one kind of cheese wei,actually it is not true.fold-bown cheese is one standard for familiy wei to judge wheter cheese is good or bad in effect.because the procedure of making cheese is been highly treated by familily wei,they pursure high quietly matrials and be careness in its mading ,so when we turn aroud the bowl which full of cheese ,it will still keep in and not come off,so it is called by fold-bown cheese ,in addition ,this name is given by customer and come down from ancient to nowaday.to some extend,it is the existence of wei cheese's character.


Good vegetarian choices in any Mexican restaurant include cheese burritos (cheese and beans wrapped in a tortilla), cheese enchiladas (cheese spread inside of a corn tortilla and baked with enchilada or chili sauce), chili rehenos (mild green chiles stuffed with cheese and eggs and then pan fried and topped with enchilada sauce), cheese tamales (corn masa stuffed with cheese and steamed) or cheese quesadillas (cheese spread between two tortillas and pan fried).


更多网络解释 与cream cheese相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cream cheese:干酪

进口量最大的三种干酪是马苏里拉干酪(Mozzarella cheese)、切达干酪(Cheddar Cheese)和奶油干酪(Cream Cheese). 马苏里拉干酪主要用作比萨饼顶料,奶油干酪主要用于烘制甜点,如芝士蛋糕(Cheesecake)等,而切达干酪则用途广泛.如制作汤,

cream cheese:奶油乳酪

原料: 超市买来的Pound cake半个(半个就够了,下面我会说),奶油乳酪(cream cheese)一盒8 oz,原味酸奶(plain yogurt)一盒6 oz (如果只能买到8 oz一盒的,也可以),砂糖1/3杯,蜜桃味Jell-o一盒3 oz,桃子一个,Knox的Gelatine两大勺(2 tablespoon,

cream cheese:奶油干酪

其实最常见的匹萨就是切达(Cheddar)、马索里拉(Mozarella)和奶油干酪(cream cheese)了. 其实最常见的匹萨就是切达(Cheddar)、马索里拉(Mozarella)和奶油干酪(cream cheese)了.

cream cheese:奶油芝士

简单为大家介绍一下奶油芝士,(cream cheese)属于一种未成熟全脂奶酪,经加工后,其脂肪含量可超过50%,质地细腻口味柔和. 今天用它制作的烤芝士蛋糕能够充分保留芝士的香气,吃上一口绵软而浓郁的芝士味道真的很赞. 下面1公斤的比例可以满足30人份的需求,

cream cheese biscuit:奶油芝士酥

脱脂牛奶 skimmed milk | 奶油芝士酥 cream cheese biscuit | 百威啤酒 Budweiser beer

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