covariance [kəu'vɛəriəns]
- covariance的基本解释
协方差, 共分散
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- covariances
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Five ways on comparing covariance matrix are applied to the Shanghai 50 Indexes Stock Exchange, which are sample covariance matrix, scalar matrix, two-parameter covariance matrix, single index matrix, constant correlation matrix. We adopt principal components method and Markowitz portfolio method to measure stock market risk using VaR, getting the effect of measuring market risk. The result shows that sample covariance matrix and two-parameter covariance matrix could measure market risk more effectively.
Studying the positive definitiveness of the covariance matrix from discrete data is important to design the sampling plan and provides the base for the data analysis.However, there have been few outcomes about the positive definitiveness of covariance matrix, most of which have been restricted to the Covariance-matrix of continuous sample.
In order to reduce calculation error, the frequency distribution of average values is used to compute the mixed distribution's digital features of each component distribution, thereinto, the number of the component distribution is determined by AIC, choose the number that meets the minimum value of AIC as the component number of mixed distribution, and the other parameters are estimated by EM algorithm; Secondly, because each component distribution is corresponding to a kind of major gene genotype, according to the values of the average and variance of the each component distribution, we can use the limit error of the normal distribution to plot each individual into the correspondent component distribution, namely into correspondent major gene genotype. Then we regard each major gene genotype as a treatment level of one-way analysis of variances, and the one-way multivariate analysis of variance is carried out to calculate the covariance matrix of major gene effect, covariance matrix of polygene effect, covariance matrix of environment effect and so on; At last, combining the weights of the each component distribution of mixed distribution, we can calculate the variance of major gene effect, the variance of polygene effect, environmental variance and the genetic gain of the quantitative trait.
- 更多网络解释 与covariance相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
(2) 二证券i和证券j =分别证券y和证 式中的方差(V面ance)的是标准差的平 方,即了;协方差(Covariance)表示证券收 益之间的相互关系. 常用统计上的相关系数 (户这一指标来说明,可用下式表示: 0ii二卿,covij=0ij. 润_ m月 相关系数的特点,
这里所说的数学推论是所谓共变异数(covariance)的统计法,也就是呈现两个变数(譬如两只股票的收益)彼此之间关系的变化. 共变异数经过相关系数(correlation coefficient)标准化之后,局限于+1和-1之间,以便研究人员解读.
SEM分析的核心概念是变项的共变数(covariance). 共变数是描述统计中的一种离散量数,利用变异数的离均差和的数学原理,计算出两个连续变项配对分数(paired scores)的变异量,用以反应两个变项的共同变异或相互关联程度.
方差和标准差度量的是单个股票收益的变动性. 现在,我们希望度量一种股票的收益与另外一种股票收益的相互关系. 更准确地说,我们需要建立一种度量两个变量之间相互关系的统计指标,这就是协方差(Covariance)和相关系数(Correlation).
Multiple covariance:多元协方差
Multiple correlation ,复相关 | Multiple covariance,多元协方差 | Multiple linear regression,多元线性回归
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