英语人>词典>英汉 : county的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

county ['kaunti]


县, 郡

更多 网络例句 与county相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to better carry out the paste it publicity and promotion, so that more people know and understand County paste it, paste it enhance the impact and visibility, enhance exchanges and communication Friends of it, and strive to build County posted the largest forum for it, paste it and the new A "Links" module, designed to County and major websites linked mutual friendship and enhance exchanges and cooperation in communication and common development, strengthen County network information platform, has established friendship site: County network, Information Harbor County, County property Net, County middle school network.


According to reports, the main line of our province are located in the territory of the Ming Great Wall in Huangzhong County, Chase Hui and Tu Autonomous County, mutual aid Tu Autonomous County, four counties in Ledu County; auxiliary lines are located in the mutual Tu Autonomous County, the Turkish people and Hui Autonomous County, Hualong Hui Autonomous County , in Guide County, four counties, mostly passes in nature.


In light of the problem and causes of the financial support to county economic development, the article put forward the general thoughts of finance supporting the county economic development: establish circulating back mechanism of county capital; establish and perfect the financial service organization system to strengthen the function of the financial support to county economy; innovate new financial services and products of county; fully utilize capital market to broaden the financial channel of county economic development; establish the circumstance guarantee system of finance supporting county economic development.


更多网络解释 与county相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




美国行政区划中的"郡"(county)是州的一个下属区划,经常(但不是绝对)涵盖两个以上的城镇和一些乡村. 纽约市是个明显的例外,因地域太大,下属又划分了5个独立的郡. 另一个相反的例外是弗吉尼亚州的阿灵顿郡(Arlington),


美国政体大体按照市(City)-郡县(county)-州(state)来组织. 联邦政府是全国性机构,而各地行政官员大都是该行政区内直选出来的,这就决定了美国公共卫生部门都是对下不对上负责的,结果是美国各城镇从最基层开始,

county:县, 郡

美国文书认证:各类由美国到中国投资、经商或留学所需提供的美国文书证明,需经翻译(英译中)公证,然后交由美国当地公证人(Notary Public)公证、美国县/郡(County)认证、州务卿(the Secretary of State)认证和中国驻美领事馆进行认证,

Sunjia county:孙家县

钱家花园: qianjia garden | 孙家县: sunjia county | 李家镇: lijia town

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