英语人>词典>英汉 : counterweigh的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

counterweigh [kauntə'wei]

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更多网络例句与counterweigh相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is only the greatest emergency that can counterweigh the dangers of tampering with the public order; and the sacred power of the laws should never be suspended except when the safety of the fatherland if at stake.


Furthermore, institutionalized referendum democracy not only competes with representative democracy, but it can also counterweigh the political blocking of representative democracy.


Some energy experts, such as Amy Myers Jaffe at Rice University, argue that big consumers can best protect their interest in keeping oil supplies steady and prices predictable by joining forces to counterweigh the influence of producers rather than by trying to forge privileged relations with them.

有些能源专家,例如 Rice 大学的 Amy Myers Jaffee 认为,大宗消费者保护自己利益的最佳方式,就是透过协力合作以反制石油输出国家的影响,确保石油的稳定供应和可预期的价格,而非试著自行创造与产油国家之间的特惠关系。

Józef Pisudski sought to expand the Polish borders as far east as feasible in an attempt to create a Polish-led federation to counterweigh any potential imperialist intentions on the part of Russia or Germany.

巴黎和会》的结果,没有减少当事者在该地区的领土企图心。Józef Pisudski 力求尽量往东扩大波兰边界,以图创建一个波兰领导的联邦,平衡潜在帝国主义者的企图,特别是德国和苏联。

Clean energy economy will lead to higher consumption per capita than harmful energy economy when CER value is high enough and the cumulative net capacity is zero. On the contrary, clean energy economy will lead to lower consumption per capita than harmful energy economy when CER value is not high enough, which means it is not able to counterweigh the cost of ethanol, or when ethanol production efficiency is low enough.


更多网络解释与counterweigh相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


counterviolence 以暴制暴 | counterweigh 使平衡 | counterweight 平衡物

counterweigh:抵消 配重平衡

counterwedging 双向木楔法 | counterweigh 抵消 配重平衡 | counterweight 平衡重量 衡重体 抗衡


导向叶片 countervane | 使平衡,抵销 counterweigh | 平衡重量,平衡力,秤锤 counterweight