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更多网络例句与counter-slope相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on a lot of experiment results, a conclusion is drawn: comparing with other factors, the performance of branch handling strategy is the key limits of processor to exploit the instruction level parallelism existed in nonscientific code, cache miss have severe effect on superscalar processor's performance when it runs scientific code. Second, in order to reduce the branch penalty and improve the performance of superscalar processor, a new branch handling strategy—a classification based hierarchical branch handling strategy, CHBHS is proposed. It first expands the traditional processor architecture to support multiple condition code, conditional execution and Mbranch instruction, as a result, compiler can reduce the number of static conditional branch when the code is generated. Then, CHBHS tries to use the best suitable mechanism to deal with different branch base on their different behavior. CHBHS can predict the target address of unconditional branch, subroutine call and conditional branch by buffering their target address in branch target buffer, a newly proposed high efficient return address stack is used to reduce the penalty of subroutine return instruction, a new Counter Register Stack is also proposed to reduce the penalty of loop-closing branch to zero, and dynamic branch predictor is incorporate with branch target buffer to predict the outcome of conditional branch.

基于上述结论,为了尽量消除转移指令对处理器开发指令级并行性能力的影响,进一步提高处理器性能,在详尽分析目前已存在的转移处理策略的特点与局限性的基础上,首次提出了一种新的转移处理策略即基于分类的层次转移处理策略CHBHS(Classification Based Hierarchical Branch Handling Strategy),它首先通过扩展传统的体系结构,支持多条件码、条件式执行及多分支转移技术,以使编译程序在进行代码生成时可尽量少生成条件转移指令,从而减少静态条件转移指令的数目;其次,基于不同的转移指令的行为不同这一事实,提出了对不同的转移指令采用不同的机制进行处理的思想,即对无条件转移指令和函数调用指令以及条件转移指令的目标地址,采用转移目标缓冲器来预测,对于函数返回指令,采用所提出一种的高效返回地址栈来预测其目标地址,对于大多数循环控制转移指令,采用所提出的Counter Register Stack来将其所可能带来的损失减少为0,对于其他的条件转移指令采用动态预测机制来预测其方向。

But the essence of the so-called monetarist counter-revolution did not depend on the predictive value of particular measures of money supply.

但是,所谓的"货币主义反革命"(monetarist counter-revolution)的实质,靠的不是特殊的货币供措施的预测价值。

To this, chinese manage capital carries out copartner Qian Xuefeng to suggest, landing formally do poineering work board before, might as well build a similar OTC (Over The Counter, curbstone market, trade adversary talks things over under the counter undertake trading man-to-manly) trade definitely platform, let an enterprise grow one year first on platform, it is mature to wait go up again, also can reduce the probability that retreat city as far as possible so.

对此,汉理资本执行合伙人钱学锋建议,在正式登陆创业板之前,不妨建立一个类似OTC(Over The Counter,场外交易市场,交易对手私下协商进行一对一的交易)的准交易平台,让企业在平台上先成长一年,等成熟了再上,这样也能尽可能降低退市概率。

更多网络解释与counter-slope相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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counteract counter-attack counter-revolutionary:反

co- 共同 co-exist co-operate co-editor | counter- 反 counteract counter-attack counter-revolutionary | anti- 反(对),防 anti-tank anti-fascist anti-clockwise

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