control structure
- control structure的基本解释
- 相关中文词汇
- 控制结构
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In this paper, a new variable structure control method is presented.
The hardware structure of the control system is researched.
This paper discusses several examples of the control structure.
It also has advantage of control, because it provides a new control scheme and control structure.
The hard structure and control strategy of the system is discussed in detail.
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- 更多网络解释与control structure相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
control structure:控制结构
* 控制结构(Control structure):传递飞机全(思通网络)局性的参数、外形、基准位置等约束条件至零件进行详细设计的树状结构,在Teamcenter Engineering中体现为产品装配结构.
control structure:控制结构, 程序中根据某条件定义程序操作的部分代码 (计算机用语)
control room 控制室, 机房 | control structure 控制结构, 程序中根据某条件定义程序操作的部分代码 (计算机用语) | control tower 控制塔, 塔台
control structure:控制权结构
虚拟变量:Dummy varible | 控制权结构:Control Structure | 时程分析:Structure control
Internal control structure:内部控制结构
1988年,AICPA在>(SAS No.55)以"内部控制结构"(Internal Control Structure)的提法替代了"内部控制",并废除了"内部会计控制"和"内部管理控制"两种概念的划分.
Internal control structure:内部控制框架
Internal auditing 内部审计 | Internal control structure 内部控制框架 | Internal Revenue Service 国内获利署
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