英语人>词典>英汉 : continental shelf的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标
continental shelf的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

continental shelf [,kɔnti'nentl ʃelf]

continental shelf的基本解释


更多 网络例句 与continental shelf相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nanjing-flying technology companies | shelf | storage equipment | warehouse shelves | logistics equipment | shelf sales | shelf | shelf manufacturers | shelf parameters | shelf design | shelf products | shelf Photo | shelf technology | Shelf specifications | supermarket shelves | clothing shelves | boutique shelves | metal shelves | Buying shelf | shelf Buying | light shelves | medium-shelf | heavy shelf | light-shelf | China Amount of shelf | weight-shelf | angle steel shelf | Universal angle steel shelf | in the volume of A-type shelf | B in the amount of shelf | cargo space-shelf | beams shelves | pallet shelves | Pallet Rack | attic shelves | attic shelves | dormant floor, shelves | dormant floor, shelves | cantilevered shelves | cantilevered shelves | shelf through | through shelves | Gallery shelf-|-Gallery Rack | Wheel shelf | roll round the shelves | wheeled roller shelf | wheel-shelf | fluent shelf | fluent of the shelf | fluent shelves | fluent of the shelves | pressure-in shelves | Gravity shelf | Mobile shelves | mobile shelves | Mi Jijia | files shelf | die shelf | drawer shelf | drawer-shelf | Auto Parts library shelves | auto parts library shelves | car spare parts for cargo -| 4 s auto shop shelves | 4 s auto shop shelves dedicated | parts library shelves | three-dimensional library shelves | Automated Warehouse shelves | Warehouse shelves | Treasury shelf | warehouse shelves | factory shelves | Zhiwu Jia | Peg board-| peg board shelves | Finishing-|-stacking | stacking shelves | Qiao solid-| storage cage | storage cage | tray | wooden pallets | Plastic-wood pallets | steel tray | plastic tray | Pallet | Wooden pallets | pad Wharf board | Working Capital me | Logistics me | expected me | iron tray | steel materials me | steel tray | cart | Shouban car | take a car | logistics vehicles | set of vehicles | loader | Static Music trolleys | handling machinery | Forklift | tray car | Transportation Raceway | conveyor roller | ancillary equipment | warehousing supporting equipment | warehousing logistics | shelf plant | shelf | Nanjing shelf | Nanjing shelf | Nanjing shelf | Nanjing-flying technology company founded in 1994, is engaged in various domestic earlier shelf, logistics systems, automated warehouse system and all kinds of cold-formed steel for the planning, design, manufacture, installation and consulting services of the largest professional Manufacturers one of its strong technical force, the integration of advanced production equipment, the installation team mature and improve after-sales service system.


Based on the settings and geological and geochemical characteristics of granitoids of different orogenic belts (exemplified by orogenic granitoids in Altay, East Kunlun, Yanshan in North China, Northeast China and Nanling in South China), the relationships between granitoids and continental crustal growth are discussed, and five modes of continental crustal growth in the continent of China are proposed;they are as follows:(1)the Altay mode of continental growth is that the material and heat of the Paleozoic convertive mantle formed on the background of the Paleo-Asian Ocean were input into the Paleozoic continent and mixed with the materials of the upper crust;(2) the East Kunlun mode is that the basement of the Proterozoic orogenic belt was reworked by the heat input and materials of the Paleozoic-early Mesozoic convective mantle formed on the background of TTG continental crust of the Proterozoic orogenic belt;(3) the Northeast China style is that the Phanerozoic continental crust was reworked by the heat input and materials from the convective mantle formed on the background of the Yanshanian Central Asian orogenic belt;(4) the Yanshan mode is that the Archean basement was reworked by the heat input and materials from the Yanshanian convective mantle;and (5) the Nanling mode is that in South China what was input by the Yanshanian convective mantle into the continent was mainly heat and subordinately materials and the crustal material recycle was the dominant mode for the continental growth (showing zero continental growth).


If all of the continental shelf waters of the water pumping light, so that the continental shelf completely into the land, then the face of the continental shelf and the mainland is essentially the same.


更多网络解释 与continental shelf相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

continental shelf:大陆架

1958年,联合国第一届海洋法会议决定建立"大陆架"(continental shelf)的法律概念,采用的基本上是地理学中水深100~200公尺海底范围的定义. 按照这个定义,全球海洋中有6%~7%是大陆架. 但是,到第三届海洋法会议时,"大陆架"的定义扩大了,

continental shelf:陆棚

之所以如此,主因台陆皆非1951年旧金山和约之当事方,何况钓鱼台此迄今仍无人居住之弹丸小岛、於1968年联合国机构公布发现其所接连大陆棚(continental shelf)下之油藏之前、从未受到特别注意.

continental shelf:大陆棚

另外一个离本岛比较远的钓鱼台群岛则在台湾岛的北方,约150公里处,这些岛屿都分布在亚洲大陆棚(continental shelf)的边缘上,在台湾本岛海岸外海底斜坡约以一比十的坡度急降,在离岸约30公里处的太平洋水域海水已经深约 4000公尺

continental shelf:陆架

2009-4-29 星期三(Wednesday) 晴一、 大陆架(Continental Shelf)的概念公平原则作为一项国际法律规则,在许多大陆架划界案中被引用. 适用公平原则必须考虑"一切有关情况"( all relevant circumstances) 来理解该原则.

outer continental shelf:外大陆架

美国大部分外大陆架(Outer Continental Shelf)是禁止石油和天然气开采的地区. 但华纳提起的修正案寻求美国开放其海岸勘探. 根据建议,弗吉尼亚可以参与分享在其海岸外进行勘探所产生的收益.

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