英语人>词典>英汉 : container ship的中文,翻译,解释,例句
container ship的中文,翻译,解释,例句

container ship

container ship的基本解释

货柜船, 集装箱运货船

container ship所属的单词分类
Boat / 船 [216]

ski boat · shrimp boat · jet boat · drydock · cruise ship · boat lift · amphibious vehicle · PFD · PT boat · motor launch

Transportation & Vehile / 交通运输 [297]

two-door · tractor-trailer · stretch limo · side wheeler · recreational vehicle · push cart · power boat · paddlewheeler · motor home · jet pack

更多网络例句与container ship相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any article that is encased in an outside ship ping container made of metal or wood.


We are not so sure of the sailing date of the container ship .


And whether the Stowaway was secreted in cargo/container or hidden in the ship


Say if you can approve FEP before Oct 6, we would target to ship one container by mid Nov.


And Marine crews are trying to remove fuel from this beached container ship.


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更多网络解释与container ship相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

container ship:集装箱船

厦门恒裕通物流有限公司1976年利用仅有的3艘油轮开始运行,之后积极开拓散货船(Bulk carrier)、矿砂船(Ore carrier)、 集装箱船(Container ship)、 液化天然气轮(LNG tank ship)以及特殊货物船等领域,不断提高竞争力.

container ship:货柜船

台湾地区之出口物资多为非耐久性之消费财,则赖定期之货柜船(container ship)完成输出入之运送兼进口耐久性之消费财,(公元2003年)最大型之货柜船每次可装载20呎货柜约8,000TEU,船速达25节(knots)以上.

container ship:集装箱船舶

1、集装箱船舶(container ship)的类型(1)配载图(pre-stowage plan)、积载图(stowage plan )从它们英文含义可以看出,前者字面上可译为预先配载计划,是船公司对订舱单进行分类整理后编制而成的.

container ship:集装箱运货船

combined transport 联运 | container ship 集装箱,运货船 | destination 目的地,目的港

full container ship:全集装箱船

(2)全集装箱船(Full Container Ship). 指专门用以装运集袋箱的船舶. 它与一般杂货船不同,其货舱内有格栅式货架,装有垂直导轨,便于集装箱沿导轨放下,四角有格栅制约,可防倾倒. 集装箱船的舱内可堆放三至九层集装箱,甲板上还可堆放三至四层.

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