英语人>词典>英汉 : consumer credit的中文,翻译,解释,例句
consumer credit的中文,翻译,解释,例句

consumer credit

consumer credit的基本解释


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In recent years, consumer credit has become one of the hot spots of macro-economy in China.


And many of these errors can have a negative impact on the consumer's credit scores.


And what is the prospective of consumer credit in China?


Analysis, in the real estate market, individual housing development of consumer credit default risk may exist.


The introduction of these policies greatly contributed to the development of consumer credit operations.


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consumer credit:消费信贷

自1992年创立以来,奥信一直专注于为银行的消费信贷(Consumer Credit)业务提供评分模型和决策软件解决方案. 此次金融风暴后,中国银行业把风险控制放在了更加突出的位置,对于像奥信这样致力于开发风险管理决策解决方案的公司来说,

consumer credit:消费品信用贷款

近年来,波兰消费品信用贷款(Consumer Credit)发展较快,贷款总额和信用卡数量均呈上升趋势. 据波兰国家银行(NBP)统计,2005年波兰消费品信用贷款总额达584亿兹罗提,增幅达10%以上. 截止2006年9月底,信用卡数量达560万份,比上年同期增长了56%.

consumer credit:消费者信贷

在现代西方国家,消费者不仅以货币收入购买他们需要的商品,而且可以通过借款来购买商品,所以消费者信贷(Consumer Credit)也是影响消费者购买力和支出的一个重要因素.

consumer credit:消费信用

(二)分期付款买卖的含义与特征 分期付款是和赊销、消费贷款并列的一种消费信用(consumer credit)方式,买卖双方一般约定,由买方先占有标的物,而买方为购得消费品或取得劳务,价款得分成几次向卖方支付.

consumer credit services:消费信贷

消费税consumption tax | 消费信贷consumer credit services | 消费者购买力consumer purchasing power

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