conjugation [,kɔndʒu'geiʃən]
- conjugation的基本解释
结合, 配合, 动词的变化
- 相似词
- conjugation的同义词
- n. union
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In chapter 3, characteristic paraments, focusing structure were discussed, the processing of double cell for phase conjugation was analyzed. Designing criteria of double cell phase conjugation mirror was given out. All phase aberrations could be compensated by using phase conjugation theoretically, but compensation is only effective to phase aberration of uniform polarizing state, it is not effective to aberration by thermally induced depolarization an diffractive effecting by aperture.
The results of UV absorption show that λ max is not sensitive to the electronic effects exerted by the substituent in the coupler moiety. The λ max has a small red-shift when the anilide aromatic ring in the coupler moiety is larger. This indicates that the conjugation effect of the anilide ring with chorosorb is not very significant. It is important to note that a red-shift of 60-130 nm was observed when the coupler component changed from a 2-hydroxy-3-naphthanilide to a 2hydroxy-11H-benzocarbazole-3-naphthanilide coupler. The red-shift may be due to the conjugation resulting from the carbazole ring.
By giving the definition of mapping space, some abstract and basic conjugation elements can be impressed by direct geometric graphics. Also, resort to the mapping space, the fundamental theorem of singular conjugation is proved.
- 更多网络解释 与conjugation相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
接合 接合(conjugation)是细菌通过性菌毛相互连接沟通,将遗传物质(主要是质粒DNA)从供体菌转移给受体菌. 能通过接合方式转移的质粒称为接合性质粒,主要包括F质粒、R质粒、Col质粒和毒力质粒等,不能通过性菌毛在细菌间转移的质粒为非接合性质粒.
肝脏内的生物转化反应主要可分为氧化(oxidation)、还原(reduction)、水解(hydrolysis)与结合(conjugation)等四种反应类型. 葡萄糖醛酸结合是最为重要和普遍的结合方式. 尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖醛酸(UDPGA)为葡萄糖醛酸的活性供体,由糖醛酸循环产生.
DNA重组 接合作用 (conjugation)(recA) 分支迁移 (recA)内切酶 (ruvC) 内切酶可接合质粒如 F 因子(F factor)位点特异重组(site-specific recombination) 是由整合酶催化,在两个DNA序列的特异位点间发生的整合.
有性生殖为接合生殖(conjugation),多发生在春季或秋季. 繁殖时两条丝状平等靠近,在两细胞相对的一侧相互发生突起,突起渐伸长而接触,于是接触的壁消失,连接成管,称为接合管. 两条丝状体之间可以形成多个横列的接合管,
bacterial conjugation:细菌接合
bacterial colony counter 菌落计数器 | bacterial conjugation 细菌接合 | bacterial filter 滤菌器
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