英语人>词典>英汉 : confine的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,拼写相似词汇

confine [kən'fain]

第三人称单数:[confines]  动词过去式:[confined]  过去分词:[confined]  现在分词:[confining]  

限制, 禁闭, 使不外出

  • I shall confine myself to the subject of geography.
  • 我将专攻地理学。
  • He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten hours.
  • 他经受了一次漫长而又很难受的旅行,因为他憋在木箱里有十多个小时。
  • We'll confine our discussion to the main issue.
  • 我们将只讨论主要问题。
  • The wild animals are confined in small cages in the zoo.
  • 野生动物关在动物园的小笼子里。

边缘, 范围, 区域

  • This is outside the confines of human knowledge.
  • 这超出了人类知识范畴。
  • She passed her life within the confines of her native place.
  • 她一生从未离开过故乡。

邻接, 交界

v. restrain · enclose · limit
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Firstly, this part introduces (Agreement on Safeguards confining voluntary restraints, and mendings clarifying articlel9 in GAJT1947; then elaborates the defects existing in this agreement, such as: unforeseen developmentSN adjusting industi^ the non-governmental measures adopted or maintained by public and private enterprises etc, provide the room for voluntary restraints to exist; finally, points out the aspects should be mended and strengthened in this agreement in order to confine voluntary restraints better.The forth part is the relation between China safeguard clause and voluntary restraints. Firstly, this part introduces the present situation about China safeguard clause, there being no clause concerning voluntary restraints, then analyzes the reality of voluntary restraints existing in China from international and domestic aspects, pointing out there is necessity to confine it; finally, puts forward some suggestions for China safeguard clause to regulate voluntary restraints.

首先,就GATT 1947第19条关于援用保障措施的实体和程序方面的要件进行介绍,作为下面分析的背景;其次,在前面介绍的基础上,对该条款的缺陷,诸如:缺乏对援用保障措施关键要素的明确具体界定、没有限定保障措施的形式以及补偿与报复等方面进行分析,阐释了由于这些缺陷的存在,使各成员方对该条款进行任意曲解甚至规避,导致自愿设限游离于GATT规则之外,成

It is illogical to confine this prohibition to occasions on which they are done from malice aforethought; for at least the material consequences of an action, and the reasons for prohibiting it , are the same whether it is the result of sinister malicious plotting , of negligence or of sheer accident .


In this essay, however, I confine myself to the unparalleled 'Aventures', in my view – perhaps apart from Alban Berg's Wozzeck – the only great, though negative 'opera' of the twentieth century.


更多网络解释 与confine相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


分析涨价环境应考虑"5C"即成本(cost)、顾客(customer)、竞争(competition)、渠道(channel)、政府、法律的限制(confine)的因素. 第一,直销企业在生产、销售其直销产品的过程中,会有一些必须的、合理的资金和人力的投入,


esteem 尊敬 | confine 范围 | establish 确定


configuration 形状,轮廓,外貌 | confine 控制 | confirm 证实


transfer 迁移,转学,调职,移转 | confine 控制,限於范围内,幽禁,范围 | define 阐释,下定义,为...之特质

confine verb:限制

component noun 组成部分/零部件 | confine verb 限制 | consign verb 托运,委托

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