英语人>词典>英汉 : concludes的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇



[变形] conclude的第三人称单数


推断, 结束, 断定, 缔结, 议定


结束, 推断

更多网络例句与concludes相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At last ,it Concludes the direction of development of a social security system in China in the future


Finally, this paper concludes the debug process and the effect of the running system.


And one of the best ways to do this, he concludes, is to use derivatives.


But the so-called existentialism concludes that you are not needed and your life is meaningless.


This chapter concludes the introductory material in this book.


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更多网络解释与concludes相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

program concludes:节目结束

16:30 新闻联播 News | 17:00 节目结束 program concludes | 16:00 帅哥私房菜 Too Cute Cooks

That concludes our business:合作到此结束

I'll see you later- in uniform|待会见--穿制服 | That concludes our business.|合作到此结束 | So,uh,why'd you want me to take that girl's picture?|为什么要我给那个女孩照相?

Now, it concludes that:现在的结论是

The red report in front of you has been vetted by several demolition specialists.|你面... | Now, it concludes that...|现在的结论是... | ...the most logical delivery system for the terrorist to use...|....

Concludes his glistening interview:结束了他闪亮的会见

And just before the Sun -- 就在日出之前 - | Concludes his glistening interview -- 结束了他闪亮的会见 - | Caresses -- and is gone -- 爱抚 - 然后离去 -

This concludes the openingceremony:开幕式现在结束

出席今天招待会的贵宾有...The distinguished guestspaarticipating the reception are ... | 现在请...讲话I have the honour to callupon ... | 开幕式现在结束. This concludes the openingceremony.

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