conception [kɔn'sepʃən]
- conception的基本解释
观念, 概念, 受精
- You have no conception at all of how difficult my life was in those days.
- 你根本想像不出那些日子我的生活有多艰难。
- Strange enough, the conception of the book took five minutes, but writing it took a whole year.
- 说来也怪,构思这本书只用了五分钟,但写这本书却花去了整整一年。
- This drug can increase the chance of conception.
- 这种药物可以提高怀孕的机率。
- We studied the automobile from its earliest conception.
- 我们从其最初的构想着手研究了汽车。
- The conception of the United Nations was in 1945.
- 联合国创始于一九四五年。
- 相似词
- 与conception相关的词组
- have no conception of:对...完全不懂
- 相关歌词
- The Immaculate Conception
- My Resurrection
- Prime Mover
- Kremlin Dusk
- Holy Smokes
- The Fall Of The House Of Usher - I Prelude
- 拼写相近单词
- conceptional
- conceptions
- 拼写相近词组、短语
- conception control
- conception of world
- 更多 网络例句 与conception相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Today, we need a new conception of development based on philosophic futurology which subsumes holistic existential conception, futurist historical conception, limitationist rational conception, harmonist social conception, riskist justice conception, and sustainable development conception.
The poem phrase painting participate the formation of the park thing elephant view;Poem phrase painting to the body of park artistic conception now;The poem phrase painting openned widely content and outside of park artistic conception to postpone;Manifestation the region the scenery can't mean of person, thing or cordiality;The poem phrase, horizontal tablet, scrolls...etc. in the park literature delineate to exaggerate artistic conception;Poem phrase, horizontal tablet, scrolls, painting in the timespace idea the top the park art of artistic conception and park literature of mutually and dissimilitude;The park art establish the material entity of material painting to compare with poem phrase, on the form view more elephant,on the establish of artistic conception more of thorough;The expression of artistic conception of the park art painting to compare with poem phrase, on the timespace more direct, thorough.
The present thesis adopts Iseult Honohan's six basic elements of republicanism as a theoretical framework for the study of Jefferson's conception of republicanism, which is the theoretical basis of his conception of the ward system:(1) Jefferson's conception of virtue, characterized by his optimism about the universality of the moral sense and the people's capacity of self-government;(2) Jefferson's conception of freedom, characterized by his synthesis of both negative liberty and positive liberty;(3) Jefferson's criterion of the republican government and the scope of the republic, characterized by his synthesis of both participation and representation;(4) Jefferson's conception of the shaping of republican citizens, characterized by the synthesis of school education and active participation in public affairs;(5) Jefferson's conception of the material preconditions of the republic, characterized by his primary concern for the economic independence and political freedom of both the individual and the nation.
杰斐逊的共和主义思想是他的分区制度构想的理论基础。论文首先采用Iseult Honohan 的"共和主义基本要素"作为理论框架,从以下五个方面对杰斐逊的共和主义思想进行研究:(1)道德观,主要特点体现为对道德意识的普遍性和人民的自治能力持乐观态度;(2)自由观,主要特点体现为消极自由与积极自由相结合;(3)共和政府的标准以及共和国的范围,主要特点体现为人民直接参政与代议制相结合;(4)塑造共和公民,主要特点体现为学校教育与积极参与公共事务相结合;(5)共和国的经济基础,主要特点体现为对个人与国家的经济独立与政治自由的关注。
- 更多网络解释 与conception相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
>的核心论点是, 垄断资本主义条件下的劳动过程中存在着"概念" (conception)和"执行" (execution) 分离的趋势. 揭示了资本主义的历史就是一部劳动逐渐"退化"的历史. 在资本主义进入垄断阶段以后,
发明构思(Conception)日,必要时加上勤勉的佐证. 美国法上的发明过程分别发生在二个步骤上,即孕育发明之构思与付诸实践,孕育整个整发的构思属於心中的举动而尚未形之於外,惟由此一举动以迄发明的付诸实践,
这意味着要将"概念"(concept)与"观念"(conception)区分开来,把法律的概念与关于法律的观念区分开来. 这样的批评意味着法律概念很难说具有天然的本来的含义,问题法律概念的含义取决于如何来使用这些概念,谁来使用这些概念.
第三部电影则是曾和史密斯合作过>的乔希.施托尔贝格(Josh Stolberg)的新片>(Conception). 这是一个包含了九个故事的电影短片集,探讨了夫妻之间性,爱情和怀孕等问题. 史密斯担纲的那部分,
conception date:概念日期
compulsory license 强制许可证 | conception date 概念日期 | conception 概念
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