concentration [,kɔnsən'treiʃən]
- concentration的基本解释
集中, 专心, 浓缩, 浓度
- Concentration is essential if you want to do a good job.
- 如果你想把事情做好,专心是必要的。
- What is the concentration of salt in sea water?
- 海水中盐的含量是多少?
- This thesis will need all your concentration.
- 这篇论文需要全神贯注才能读懂。
- There is a concentration of people in big cities.
- 大城市人口集中。
- 相似词
- 相关歌词
- Concentration Moon
- Something On My Mind
- Concentration Moon, Part One
- Concentration Moon, Part Two
- Serious Music
- Motivation
- 拼写相近单词
- concentrations
- 更多 网络例句 与concentration相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The result showed that the best is Coreopsis drummondii, its semi-lethal concentration and limit concentration both reached as high as 1.4%; The next was Callistephus chinensis, its semi-lethal concentration was 0.6%, and its limit concentration was 1.2%; The middle was Althaea rosea, its semi-lethal concentration was 0.4%, and its limit concentration was 1.2%; The lower one was Rudbeckia hirta, its semi-lethal concentration was 0.4%, and its limit concentration was 1.0%.
Var. pyramidalis is not positively correlated with ion concentration in growth environment, the capacity of selective absorption and transport of ions in Populus alba L. var. pyramidali under salt stress in drainage canal is higher than Populus alba L. var. pyramidal is of normal growth in irrigation canal. Under salt stress, the concentration of K(superscript +)、Na(superscript +) of roots and leave of Populus alba L. var. pyramidalis have changed, the concentration of K(superscript +) of roots and leave dropt the concentration of Na(superscript +) of roots markedly increased, the concentration of Ca(superscript 2+), Mg(superscript 2+) have slightly changed, the concentration of Ca(superscript 2+) of roots dropted, the concentration of Mg(superscript 2+) increased, the concentration of Ca(superscript 2+), Mg(superscript 2+) of leave increased.
主要结论为:新疆杨各器官的离子含量与生长环境中的离子浓度不存在正相关趋势;排渠盐胁迫下生长的新疆杨对离子选择吸收和运输的能力高于灌渠正常生长的新疆杨;盐胁迫下,新疆杨根和叶中K、Na的浓度发生了明显的变化,K浓度在根和叶中呈下降趋势,Na浓度在根中明显增加,根和叶中Ca(上标 2+)、Mg(上标 2+)浓度的变化趋势略缓,根中Ca(上标 2+)浓度下降,Mg(上标 2+)浓度增加,叶中Ca(上标 2+)、Mg(上标 2+)浓度有所上升。
Aeruginosa increased with the increased initial P concentration in the media;② Under the constant N concentration, the phosphorus uptake of M. aeruginosa was correlated positively with the initial P concentration;③ Under the constant P concentration, the accumulation of phosphorus by M. aeruginosa was correlated negatively with the initial N concentration, but the trend was not obvious and the effect of initial N concentration on the uptake P quantity became ruleless when the initial N concentration reached a higher level (21 mg/L).
结果显示,①氮磷比不变时,随着起始磷浓度的增加,铜绿微囊藻对正磷酸盐蓄积量也逐渐增加,成明显正相关;②氮浓度不变时,铜绿微囊藻对正磷酸盐的蓄积效果与磷浓度正相关;③而同一磷浓度下,铜绿微囊藻对正磷酸盐的蓄积效果与氮浓度负相关,但氮浓度超过21 mg/L时,氮浓度对于铜绿微囊藻蓄积磷的效果影响变得不规则。
- 更多网络解释 与concentration相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
根据2004年通过的新>,"集中"(concentration)是指企业的控制权发生的某种持续性变化. 第3条对"集中"的定义如下:根据>(EEA)第57(2)(a)条的规定,委员会对EEA范围内的并购案件都有管辖权. 换句话说,
第一个问题(倒数) (6) 本实验中加入铜片的目的是什么? 简述实验中的"净化"( clean-up )和"浓缩(包括氮气吹扫浓缩)"( concentration)步骤的目的分别是什么
二、只习惯以理性看待课程 由于"NLP与领导力"课程所强化的领域,并非只有"理性"的部分,"感性"、甚至心灵较深的层次,在在都与"领导力"有关,都是"NLP与领导力"课程所涉及的范畴,也需要学员以"专注"(Concentration)、"想象"(Imagination)来参与,
concentration:abbr. con; 专注力
- 加载更多网络解释 (16)