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composite indicator的中文,翻译,解释,例句

composite indicator

composite indicator的基本解释


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A composite indicator which combines health, education and living standard.


A composite indicator of how long a loan remains outstanding.


Technical Product differentiation includes structural design, introduction of new technology, new process improvement, quality control of component parts selection, whole system to match composite indicator, which is the basis of competition in an invincible position.


Of the composite indicator of economic development level is the traditional GDP, although it is recognized that use it as the only indicator to measure the level of development is one-sided, but it still is by far the most important of human economic activity reflected in a comprehensive index.


Calculation of diffusion index, a leading, synchronization, lagging indicator composite index.


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composite indicator:综合指标

composite index | 复合指标 | composite indicator | 综合指标 | composite item of cost | 综合成本项目