英语人>词典>英汉 : composite的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

composite [kəm'pɔzit]


合成的, 混合成的, 菊科的, 复合的

  • The police artist made a composite picture of the murderer.
  • 警察局的拼图师拼出了一幅谋杀罪犯的图片。

合成物, 菊科

  • English is a composite of many languages.
  • 英语是多种语言混合而成的。
更多 网络例句 与composite相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With this method the copper plating graphite powder was made up in 50% copper content .The silver- copper plating graphite composite was prepared while the silver- copper-graphite composite and the silver-graphite composite were also made up together .The mechanical and electric characteristics of the three kinds of composites were tested and it was found that the copper plating graphite powder can only optimize the properties of the silver matrix composite under the high content of the graphite ,the conductivity and the mechanical property was improved and the material could take higher current in the same carbon content .At 20% carbon content, the resistivity of Ag-graphite composite was 1.67 times as high as that of silver- copper plating graphite composite, the resistivity of Ag-Cu-graphite composite was 3.23 times as high as that of silver- copper plating graphite composite. The bending strength of silver-copper plating graphite composite was 2.17 times as high as that of silver- copper-graphite composite, and the bending strength was 2.11 times as high as that of silver- copper-graphite composite. The wearability of silver- copper plating graphite composite was also enhanced greatly at high carbon content.


The second part was to test the appearance, ingredient analysis, surface potential, thermal conduction properties, and magnetism of the nano composite fluid prepared from the parameters. The experiment found that unoxidized particles, Ag, Cu, Fe, and Ni appeared round. If combined with oxygen in water as oxides, the nano particles would grow toward certain directions. In copper/iron nano composite fluid, FeO appeared cubic, Cu2O appeared coniferous. In silver/iron nano composite fluid, FeO was polygonal. In dielectric potential detection, the nano composite fluid was likely to aggregate and deposit, except for silver/iron set. In other sets, the pH of silver/cobalt nano composite fluid was 7, surface potential was 21.21mV; the pH for silver/nickel nano composite fluid was 6.5, surface potential was 21.04mV; the pH for copper/iron nano composite fluid was 7, surface potential was -30mV. The fluid particles of the three sets could all maintain suspension of 2 weeks or more. For thermal conduction, the silver/nickel, nano composite fluid showed the best thermal conduction. Under temperature of 30℃ fluid weight conduction of 0.4%, the thermal conduction increase was 26%. For magnetic detection, except for silver/iron nano composite fluid, the nano particles of other three sets were paramagnetic, and all four sets were soft magnetic nano composite materials.


The thesis studies the difference between GWSs composition and traditional workflow applications, proposes the implement mechanism and technical architecture of GWSs composition and defines the reference model of GWSs composition platform, which provide holistic framework and top-level guidance for studying dynamic GWSs composition technology, designing GWSs composition platform, and implementing representative composite service applications.2、Theories and methods of composite process modeling and process analysis. This thesis proposes a meta-model of Geo-spatial Web services composition process defining from two aspects, i.e. process and resource. According to the process definition meta-model, we propose a new Geo-spatial Web services composition Process/Resource model based on extended WF-net, which effectively resolves the problems on uncertain activity option and dynamic variation of service in composite process model. A notion with regard to soundness of process model is proposed from three aspects, i.e. the structural correctness of process model, validity of data link and validity of resource. The notion of soundness definitely gives a dividing line on correctness of composite GWS process. This thesis analyzes sufficient and essential terms of soundness, and studies compositional property of WSCP/R-net models which provides an effective method to construct a soundness WSCP/R-net model. According to WSCP/R-net, the thesis proposes composition algebra and studies the properties of it. Based on the composition algebra, 6 kinds of composite process reduction rules are induced to optimize the process.3、Geo-spatial Web service QoS model and its application architecture. This thesis proposes an extendable GWS QoS model from three aspects, i.e. Geo-spatial Web Service itself, networking conditions and service consumer which can be used to distinguish GWSs with overlapping or identical functionality. We work over the QoS evaluation methods of composite GWS process which can be used to guide the execution, monitor and service selection of composition process. Aming at some disadvantages in traditional Web service discovery model for its lacking of QoS supporting, this thesis proposes a new service discovery model SDMQ supporting QoS constraints.4、Technologies of composite service executing. SSPL, a new composite service process language, is defined to overcome the disadvantages of existing composite services process languages which can not adapt to the dynamic variation of Geo-spatial Web Services. An algorithm is described to translate WSCP/R-net model into SSPL. The thesis studies the model of dynamic services selection with QoS global optimization, presenting an algorithm GODSS to resolve dynamic services selection with QoS global optimization in GWSs Composition.5、Design and implement experimental system and representative applications. According to the research findings presented above, we design and implement an experimental system and construct two representative applications to show that our achievements are effective and practical.


更多网络解释 与composite相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这在多型的设计,经常会在 Server 端使用生成模式,以免让你的 Client 与伺服端的具体类别绑住 (不要忘了,Design for Interface);结构模式,则经常反映了问题领域的概念,例如 复合 (Composite)模式,可以表达树状的层级,


DWM根据需要,通知相关的窗口在其对应的后台位图上进行更新,然后统一进行"合成"(Composite)处理,将多个窗口的位图,按需要以特定的方式显示在屏幕上. 合成时,DWM就可以做更多的特效,如毛玻璃效果、任务栏上的小型预览窗、3D-Flip、窗口3D动画之类的效果.


敏电阻(469) 7.7.2 光生伏特效应和陶瓷太阳能电池(475) 主要参考文献(478) 第8章 陶瓷纤维和纤维强化陶瓷基复合材料(480) 8.1 复合材料的发展、定义的分类(480) 8.1.1 复合材料的发展(480) 8.1.2 复合材料(Composite)的定义(481)


在家具设计也 可借用,尤其是那些有柱形构造要素之家具,此五种柱式:他 斯卡尼(Tuscan)都利亚(Doric),爱奥尼亚(Ionic),哥林 多(Corinthian)及混合式(Composite)等原为第一世纪罗马 建筑大师Vitruvius所绘述,

composite index:综合指数

雅加达综合指数(Composite index)在下跌10%以后宣布停盘,这是继1998年亚洲金融风暴后该国股市的最大单日跌幅. 乌克兰政府在昨天开市前就宣布了停止股市交易的决定,而罗马尼亚昨天在其股市下挫了9.5%以后,也宣布暂停股市交易.

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