英语人>词典>英汉 : complice的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

complice ['kɔmplis]



更多网络例句与complice相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Identification of the criminal amount of different complice should be determined according to different standard.


One of his complice had stolen the keys to the cells and distributed them to each one.


This is just your outstanding slyness. You are trying to escape from the charge of being rapist and complice!


Strange enough, I had never ever known what Seabow is propagandizing here though it looks like I have been his complice for so long.


And the author also studies the relation between complice intellectual and conspirator, tenability of accessary during the fact, and the scope of responsibility for indirect accessary and successional accessary deepgoingly and carefully. On the base of comments on the theories relative to accomplice, the author elaborates her own ideas.


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更多网络解释与complice相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


complication 复杂 | complice 同伙 | complicity 同谋

complice:同伙, 共犯

complication | 复杂化, (使复杂的)因素 并发症 | complice | 同伙, 共犯 | complicit | 有同谋关系的,串通一气的

symptomes complice:综合症状

symptomatology 症状学 | symptomes complice 综合症状 | synaesthesia 联觉

Con te che sei l'unico complice:和你在一起 你是唯一的共犯

Adesso e tutto cosi semplice 现在所有的事办得如此简单 | Con te che sei l'unico complice 和你在一起 你是唯一的共犯 | Di questa storia magica 这段奇妙的故事

Con te che sei l'unico complice:这和你一起 奇妙的故事

Adesso e tutto cosi semplice 如今都变得好简单 | Con te che sei l'unico complice 这和你一起 奇妙的故事 | Di questa storia magica 你是唯一共犯

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